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by Erik Schubach

Glitch - Erik Schubach - Fixit
Editions:Kindle - First Edition: $ 1.99
Pages: 73
Audiobook - First Edition: $ 1.99Paperback - First Edition: $ 5.99
ISBN: 978-1542896313
Size: 6.00 x 9.00 in
Pages: 73

This short novella follows Fixit, a worker on the surface of Tau Ceti Prime in another adventure.

Fixit is faced with the recall of Glitch, the pinger who is her oldest and best friend dirtside. She has to fight to prove his sentience and prevent him from being deactivated and torn apart to be examined.

Favors are called in and secrets revealed while more questions are brought to the surface. Can Vashon and Fixit bring Glitch home safely, or will the techs topside at New Terra be his end?

Publisher: Independently Published
Cover Artists:
Word Count: 17568
Setting: Tau Ceti Prime
Languages Available: English
Series Type: Continuous / Same Characters
Word Count: 17568
Setting: Tau Ceti Prime
Languages Available: English
Series Type: Continuous / Same Characters

About the Author

I am the author of bestselling books in multiple genres including romance, scifi, fantasy, and paranormal to name a few.

All of my books feature strong, relatable women who happen to be lesbian.

My books feature people of all walks of life, race, religion, disabled, LGBT, sexual orientation, and the whole spectrum of the rainbow.