Mikko Rauhala is a Finnish SF author making their foray into the English speaking world. They often write their stories in both languages, which can get frustrating when there’s no one else to blame for the occasional double entendres.
Informed by their master’s degree in intelligent systems, they’re most at home in hard science fiction settings, though they’re not exclusive and like to cross genres. Whether the subject is steam powered gnomes or universal quantum suicide, Rauhala enjoys taking an eccentric premise and bringing it to its logical conclusion. As befits a Finn, their plot-driven narrative is often seasoned with a touch of dark, dry humor.
Rauhala is an Associate member of the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America.
Books By Mikko Rauhala
Word Count: Information not available
Summary: What happens when an AI assistant is always whispering in your ear? Does hacking into the structure of reality help you get a prom date? When your world is dying, how far are you willing to go to save its people? What is the nature of identity, and who are you, anyway? Flashes in Time explores these questions and more in sixteen imaginative short stories set atop a fourfold table of science fiction and fantasy, contemporary and far off. A diverse cast of characters explores the limits of what it means to be human, and what our choices make of us. From darkness to light and lingering in between, the scenarios and thought experiments take the reader on a journey with surprising yet inevitable twists.
Word Count: Information not available
Summary: After a nebulous Enemy destroys Earth and threatens the rest of the Universe, the remnants of humanity on Mars try to find a way to triumph while keeping the Enemy at bay through unusually harsh game theory.