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R.J. Giuffre

R.J.Giuffre was born in Lawrence, MA, and grew up in the Merrimack Valley area. As a child, he was struck by a drunk driver, and as a result, lost the use of his left arm. He worked tirelessly for several years to recover, and still today uses his unique brand of ingenuity to find ways to do everything in life with one hand tied behind his back. This dedication earned him the moniker “The One Arm Bandit”. He is a novelist and poet who believes that artistry, be it with words, paint, or steel, is a product of the heart and should be treated as one of nature’s finest gifts to the world. Through perseverance, dedication, and blind stubbornness, he became well acquainted with the care and use of several types of bladed weapons, including swords, knives, and axes; knowledge which he now incorporates into his writing. Though injuries now keep him from competing, he has found that sharing the Way of the Warrior through his writing fulfills his need to be the very best at what he does.

He still lives in the Merrimack Valley area with his wife, Michelle, who is a special education teacher for children with severe special needs, and the next generation of Warrior, his daughter, Paige, and son, Kaden.


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Books By R.J. Giuffre

Word Count: 29722

Summary: Adam Drowen… Azreal, the Onyx Knight… His journey has been long and arduous. He gained power in death, lost his mentor, found truth in a dream, got lost in a fantasy, embraced his rage, challenged The Fates, offered compassion, crossed the line, hunted a monster, and realized that Darkness was enveloping his soul. A Warrior’s life is not for everyone. Adventure, excitement, glory; these are not what a true Warrior desires. A Knighthood does not grant privilege, offer fame, or promise riches. It can be a hard life, full of painful choices. It is a life of service, not reward. It is a never-ending journey in search of knowledge and beauty. The Way of the Warrior is the perpetual pursuit of perfection that none will ever attain. Why would anyone choose such a life? Not everybody can; but if you wish to learn what drives someone on this ceaseless quest, then pay attention; for I am the One Arm Bandit and I have stories to tell... Now, for the first time, ShyMuse Publishing presents the tales of Azreal, the Onyx Knight; collected in a single anthology. All ten short stories chronicling Azreal’s journey from a young Sapphire Knight to a cold-blooded killer and finally to a contemplative, stoic guardian, are now gathered together in one volume. In addition to the Best Selling Way of the Warrior short story series, this book contains never before seen artwork and concept designs. Visit us at

The Azreal Chronicles - R.J. Giuffre - Way of the Warrior
Way of the Warrior: The Azreal Chronicles

Word Count: 137000

Summary: As soon as she saw the knife coming… …she knew her life was over. Even if she lived, she could tell nothing would ever be the same. Young, intelligent, and fiercely independent, Rachael was not nearly as worldly as she believed. Hunted by a mysterious cult, she finds herself thrust into the world of power and magic; her way of life is shattered as she struggles to keep herself alive. Guided by the mysterious Warrior, Ghost, Rachael must embrace her new reality. But she never imagined that her life would depend upon an enigmatic figure from her past… …a knight whose soul is slowly falling into darkness. Only a journey through their shared past will help them see that there is no threat as dangerous as The Enemy Within. The perfect mix of adventure and romance in this Urban Fantasy will keep you on the edge of your seat. Visit us at

The Enemy Within - R.J. Giuffre
The Enemy Within: A Way of the Warrior Novel