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REVIEW: Together Bound – Elizabeth Noble

Together Bound - Elizabeth Noble

Genre: Post-Apocalyptic, Sci Fi, Paranormal

Reviewer: LJ

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About The Book

Todd Ruger is a sentry, a very good one, some might say the best. He was eleven when he and Nick were bound as master and slave. Todd spent the years Nick lived in the slave village waiting for the day Nick could leave and they’d be together, bit by bit building a life for both of them. He took his role of master seriously. It was his responsibility to provide for Nick, protect him and along the way he learned to love him. Todd loved Nick deeply and completely. They were more than a pair of sentries. Todd and Nick were friends, lovers, mates.

Eighteen months ago, Nick left the small village where he’d spent his entire life being raised and trained as a slave. Blessed with a unique skill set, Nick became a sentry. He took his place beside his master, Todd Ruger, defending society against the many paranormal threats that abound. They became more than master and slave, they became mates. Nick had found a home with Todd and together they became a family. Eventually, Nick’s special abilities and skills attract the attention of the second most powerful man in New Colorado Protectorate’s government, Vice Chancellor Clarke. Or, maybe certain people knew of Nick all along and just now had cause to use him. He believes Nick might be the answer to explaining Chancellor Shaffer’s sudden, unusual behavior.

Forced to go undercover at the Chancellor’s Estate, Todd and Nick discover an ancient and deadly creature preying on residents of the estate. The same creature that is radically effecting Chancellor Shaffer. A creature only Nick can see in its true form. It hunts using specialized skills and has Todd and Nick in its crosshairs. Even if they defeat the creature and survive, they still face the possibility of being torn from each other when their lives are thrown into chaos by the thing they’re hunting.

The Review

Todd and Nick make this book an effortless read. The pair’s chemistry is off the charts, their sex is inventive, fun, and steamy, and they complement each other perfectly, yin to yang. I liked the preface, which gave me a good amount of background since I hadn’t read the first book in the series. I was able to jump right in and enjoy the duo’s new adventure.

The first thing I noticed was the depth of love between the couple. It was so well crafted, you don’t just read it, you feel it, which is such a gift from a talented author. The second plus was the intriguing plot. The action begins right away when Vice Chancellor Clarke calls Todd and Nick to his office. There’s something afoot at the Chancellor’s estate, and Clarke wants Nick to solve the mystery, taking him away from Todd. Todd, however, refuses to be separated from his mate, and with some convincing, they are both sent in, undercover.

I will note here, there is some violent, non-consensual sex forced upon Nick by an evil antagonist, but it is integral to the plot, and therefore necessary to bring about the growth of our heroes.

Cast as a security guard, Todd is not always able to keep an eye on Nick, which becomes the catalyst for some mind-boggling, shadowy encounters, and the eventual triumph of good over evil. But just as you believe the plot has wound down, this inventive author throws a twist into the works, ratcheting the action back up to give an extremely satisfying ending.

Based on this book—and the previous PRG review of book one—I’d say this series is one to watch. If the remaining plots are as well thought out as this one, we are all in for some wonderful reading.    

The Reviewer

Coming soon.