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Word Count: 30000

Summary: What would you do if you only had nine days to live? In nine days, Kavan's life will be over. An asteroid wasn't plummeting to Earth that would wipe out humanity. Alien ships aren't on the horizon, poised to attack us. There wasn't a huge natural disaster imminent either. No, nothing so dramatic as that. The world will go on as usual. Only Kavan M. Garcia wasn't. Follow Kavan on his journey of acceptance in the face of death as he road trips across the country to visit his friends and family. Kavan hadn't put much thought into the end of his own life but now that it was upon him, there were a few things he had to resolve and say, even if no one else could know that his time was limited. “Nine Days” is a speculative fiction story with a supernatural twist set in the Bloodlines of Fate world. This prequel is set several decades before Talos when supes were still hidden. This can be read as a standalone.

Nine Days - D.G. Carothers - Bloodlines of Fate
Nine Days
Available on:

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: Do you believe in magic? It might exist all around us in everyday life, hidden in trees and sunflowers, slipping into view when needed, leaving gifts when all hope has abandoned us. - Why does a young woman caring for her elderly grandfather find a secret sunflower patch in the snowy hills of Wisconsin? - What happens when a demon woken from sleep happens upon a grieving cat dad? - How will a sentient house end its long loneliness? - Can the smallest water fairy find her missing sister? - What does a bride even do with an enchanted wedding veil? - Who will save a city cat from a haunted country bridge? Sunflowers in the Snow and fifteen other stories explore the existence of magic and how it affects us. From sentient houses to psychic bartenders, this collection will carry you through stories of heartbreak and mending, families fighting and reconciling, and friends who will cross between worlds for each other.

Sunflowers in the Snow - Dawn Bonanno
Sunflowers In the Snow
Available on:

Word Count: 194000

Summary: Hubris brought Manalar to its knees. An eclectic alliance could lift it back up. The Godblood of Manalar hadn’t much chance of defeating the Ma’ab when I broke into the city to rescue my sister. The longer Captain Isboern waits to try again, the more entrenched his enemies become. Jael and I don’t want to go back, but if the Ma’ab fester in the South, they could spread and track me as far as Sivaraus. Our best allies agree, better if the northern empire is purged now, and the cleansing of the sacred pool passes to the Human leader giving all Paxia hope. Countless obstacles stand in our way, from spies and Hellhounds to demons and devils. With them come discoveries granting insight on why my Valsharess sent me to the Surface. The Ley Lines and their shadows flow and twist together in the fever of war rekindled. In them, I gain a glimpse of Her Vision. Nothing in my life has horrified me more. Author’s Note: Sons to Keep: A Sister Seekers Prequel complements Book 10 of Sister Seekers by adding to its history! Sister Seekers is dark epic fantasy with an ever-broadening scope. Found Family is a core theme, and fans of D&D will find familiar sword and sorcery. It is perfect for fans of entwined plots, challenging themes, elements of erotic horror, immersive worldbuilding. Sexuality and inner conflict play into character growth with nuance, intrigue, intense action, and fantastical magic. The series begins underground with an isolated race of Dark Elves whose intricate webs first ensnare then catapult us to places a Red Sister can only imagine in her dreams.

Shadows & Hellhounds - A.S. Etaski
Shadows and Hounds: Sister Seekers 10

Word Count: 150000

Summary: A handful of heroes; an impending cataclysm. Can Ariel and her friends save the world as they know it? Communicating with plants and animals has become a rare gift, one Ariel cherishes. She loves her farm and her family, especially her three-hundred-year-old oma. As she grapples to preserve her connection with the spirit world, she realizes something is dreadfully wrong. Lysandra, a gifted healer, lives in the most splendid city in the world, overflowing with culture and prosperity. Despite her meaningful career, she misses the love of her youth whom she left behind. Now something is causing more illnesses and deaths at increasingly younger ages than typical for Atlantans. When both Ariel and Lysandra are called to the Ring of Stones for a meeting of scholars, masters, and gifted individuals, they reunite for the first time in thirty years. Pushing personal feelings aside, they must focus on discovering what’s wrong with their world and help fix it. Making a startling discovery, Ariel brings an ominous report to the council. Can the sharpest minds and most compassionate hearts of Atlantis create a plan to save their civilization, or is it doomed to be obliterated from the face of the earth forever? Engaging storyteller Edale Lane brings you an epic historical fantasy warmed with a second-chance sapphic romance. Atlantis, Land of Dreams, will transport you to a world of wonder and imagination, where myths of the past come to life and inspire a brighter vision for our future. Get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey of discovery and marvel at the beauty and magic of this legendary place that has captured the hearts and minds of generations.

Atlantis Land of Dreams - Edale Lane
Atlantis, Land of Dreams

Word Count: 65,000

Summary: As Alaiya reclaims her life, she never intended to capture the heart of a she-wolf. Alaiya trained by her parents to be the perfect wife. Due to her beauty, they knew they could entice a wealthy man to wed her and raise their status. She was a trophy, a prize, brought out to entertain like an obedient dog. Their efforts were rewarded when Lord Salazem claimed her to become his next wife, intent on adding her to his harem. But when two mighty dragons and her sister save her, Alaiya is given a new chance at life. Determined to stand on her own and discover who she truly is, Alaiya has little interest in relationships. Even when she meets the silver-haired Talla, Alaiya pushes down her desire, unwilling to be caged again. Talla is the alpha of her large wolf pack in the Firestar Mountains and knows Alaiya is her mate. She is entranced by Alaiya’s strength, courage, and loyalty, and is determined to prove herself as a worthy mate. But first she must overcome Alaiya’s barriers, which might prove to be her greatest challenge. As Alaiya and her sister adjust to their new lives, they must secure their home from those who would take it from them. Including their parents. As Alaiya struggles to stand on her own, she learns that true strength lies in letting others stand beside her.

Song of Howls - M.D. Grimm - Sisters of Song
Song of Howls

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: Turmoil consumes the Underworld when the death of a god leaves a power vacuum. Phobetor, the stern and ambitious god of Nightmares seeks to fill the gap at any cost. Murderous nightmare daemons escape to the mortal realm, placing all of mankind in peril. In the midst of the unrest, star-crossed lovers yearn for one another across the void, one disempowered and bound to the Earth, the other trapped in the land of dreams by a grave sacrifice. Will love conquer all, or is the world's only salvation a god with an iron fist? "Chaos reigns supreme in the land of dreams and in reality. Earth’s only hope is in the hands of two lovers who have been separated after making a supreme sacrifice." - David Watson,

Somnalia - Sumiko Saulson
Somnalia: The Metamorphoses of Flynn Keahi

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: Book One of Whispers From a Hidden World Love, Duty, and Consequences: An Alien Love Story Regent Killian Larrestes survived a harrowing attack and the betrayal of his family by his mother. Since then, he worked to help them all recover, learning the complexities of protecting and commanding a large, sprawling Clan. Shiloh Zahirris is seeking Sanctuary from a marriage he doesn’t want. When he ends up under the protection of Killian Larrestes, Killian takes him in, protects and supports him, and they find themselves falling in love. But will social objections, personal insecurities, and a plot seeking revenge against them, destroy their chance at happiness?

Killian - TN Tarrant - Whispers from a Hidden World

Word Count: 73000

Summary: Perry's mother told him he'd develop the superpower of flight, like his grandfather. She even named him Peregrine, so folks would call him "The Falcon." Spoiler— they don't. Because when he did come into his power, all he got was the ability to change colors. Not even himself, like some kind of Chameleon Man, but the color of objects. He can de-pukify the shade of his bedroom curtains, turn a bully's sweatshirt pink, or even turn a red traffic light green. (Not a good idea.) He hasn't told anyone except his disappointed mom about his power. What would they call him? The Interior Decorator? Back in high school, under stress, he did convince his power that transparent was just another color. Now that ability's sometimes fun in an illicit way. Then one morning, in the mailroom at work, he turns a cardboard box transparent and sees a bomb inside. And Perry's ordinary life explodes. Sergeant Deckard of the Nova City Bomb Squad never thought much about superheroes, or supervillains for that matter. He has plenty of work with ordinary humans and their explosives. Until he and his bomb-sniffing dog, Nix, get called to a possible-explosives situation in a highrise mailroom. The guy who reported the bomb is a nerdy twink in dark-framed glasses who pushes all of Deck's buttons. When he finds out the young man has a weird superpower and may be the target of a villain, every protective instinct comes into play. Deckard's goal is to keep his job, his dog, Nova City, and Perry intact. His libido can just sit down, shut up, and take a number. But as their attraction gets hotter and the villain closes in, their future might be blown apart before it even has a chance to start. Transparent Is a Color is a part of the multi-author Subpar Superheroes MM romance series. (Content warning for abduction, parental emotional abuse)

Transparent is a Color - Kaje Harper
Transparent Is a Color

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: Embark on adventures to discover stories about science, magic, the tarot, Haitian vodou, the clash of epistemologies, and addiction. These stories are about people trying to control their environment, their sense of self, even the smallest of things within their power… …and failing.

Strained Sigma Bonds - Arasibo Campeche
Strained Sigma Bonds

Word Count: 24700

Summary: Offend the Frost King? Get kicked from the Court. Land in the jaws of a living dinosaur?   Ink, the black ice fairy, isn't shocked that his frostiness banished her, but she's shocked to find herself sent to a swamp. It's hot, sticky and mucky—an ice fae's worst nightmare. Banishment means she's stuck with the heat and the stupid, hungry alligators. She's gone from knowing all the rules of her world to knowing absolutely nothing about existing in her soggy new home. At least the draiad guardian's kinda nice, though what the hell is a draiad? A thunderous boom and an ice fae being dropped into her swamp interrupted Pickerel's quiet, contemplative day of preserving flowers. The fae is abrasive, just shy of rude, and apparently unable to leave. The last thing Pickerel needs this close to the winter solstice celebration is another responsibility. But she can't ignore her host obligations, nor can she deny the fae is rather attractive. When dangerously reckless human poachers invade the swamp, all other concerns evaporate. Ink and Pickerel must learn to work together, combining their knowledge and their wildly different talents to combat the threat to the wildlife and the peace of the swamp. And—oh no—they might even have to admit they like each other.   Ice + Alligators is a novella that contains talkative squirrels, a mischievous and overly opinionated alligator, and a shy but grumpy fae who might've found a caring nature spirit who is everything she needed.

ICE + Alligators - Angel Martinez
Ice + Alligators

Word Count: 57,992

Summary: An old adversary awakened. A clash of wills. Can she stop her ruthless predecessor from replacing her and dragging the realm back to cruelty? High Sorcerer Marlys worked hard to rid her region of her predecessor's vicious legacy. Forced to free her nemesis after twelve years of sorcerous confinement, Marlys finds herself in immediate conflict with this bitter rival who will stop at nothing to return to power. Banned by oath from harming each other, they nonetheless battle…Marlys to retain her position, her opponent to impose herself on the region. As their conflict escalates, the world is threatened by a catastrophic volcanic explosion. Ash overhead blocks the sun and intensifies the weather. Marlys struggles to keep her opponent at bay, and at the same time, gather enough sorcerous strength to clear the air. Taking advantage of the crisis, her opponent claims that she alone has the solution, and that Marlys lacks the competence to resolve it. Can Marlys save the planet and prevent her predecessor from taking over? Join Marlys and her allies in Clash of the Sorcerers, the second book in the Chronicles of the Library of Sorcery. If you like clever magical spells, resourceful thinkers, and tough but compassionate leaders, you'll love Joan Marie Verba's exhilarating fantasy.

Clash of the Sorcerers - Joan Marie Verba - Chronicles of the Library of Sorcery
Clash of the Sorcerers

Word Count: 80000

Summary: She loathes him but the cult beckons. 1908, the height of the British Empire. Clara’s autonomy is shattered when her long-absent husband summons her to join him at his eerie sect’s headquarters, insulated on a sparsely inhabited island in the Bahamas. After a harrowing sea voyage, Clara and her children disembark into an unfamiliar landscape and climate. The children explore the marvels and mysteries of Andros Island and develop friendships with a Bahamian family, while Clara struggles to find her place as a woman within the cult. But what seems at first to be a spiritual haven for Clara reveals itself to be a monster-worshiping cult intent on draining her family of more than their fortune. Must Clara give up her quest for independence to protect her children from the cult’s depraved attempts to consume their life essence?

The Cultist's Wife - BJ Sikes
The Cultist's Wife

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: "This was a good time for silent reflection, to ask myself how—in all the rumored worlds—I’d arrived here." All she wanted was a secure home, but Maddie’s problems just got bigger. GIANTS’ GATE is a standalone MAGE ERA prequel to the WOODSPELL SERIES and one of the TALES OF ARDONNA. Content Advisory: Contains adult themes and situations and spoilers for River’s Roar

Giants' Gate - C. R. Collins - Tales of Ardonna
Giants' Gate

Word Count: 10000

Summary: Vampires are not alive, but they have lives and wants and needs and desires. And other cravings. Erased from her vanity, Lady Isabelle, a three-hundred-year-old vampire, longs to see her image and commissions an artist to paint her portrait. She's feared nothing but daylight for centuries, but she trembles at the thought of what she might see. Magnus attends to his Guinevere and her bloody cravings as a cursed event approaches. He takes to the night to find an appropriate snack from the diner but not something on the menu. However, sometimes substitutions have to be made, and they can be found in unlikely places. Lord Matthias St. John rose under the spell Countess Finch, who'd killed his wife. After her demise, he fled to America to start a new life, such as it was, in New York. How did he come to find himself dying from a silver bullet on a farm on the prairie? Plus a bonus story!  

Portrait of a Lady Vampire & Other Vampiric Cravings - Christopher J. Burke - Burke's Lore
Burke's Lore Briefs: Portrait of a Lady Vampire and Other Vampiric Cravings

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: This horror collection graphic novel contains the following stories: “And They Lived Long Enough to Bury Their Dead” is a dark fantasy comic zine about a group of Gen X goth/punk folks growing older and processing the deaths of loved ones. A paranormal urban fantasy, it centers around Billie, a nonbinary African-American alternative rocker from Oakland who develops the psychic ability to see and communicate with ghosts. Their nesting partner, Davis, a formerly homeless African-American transgender man, their twin brother Sean, a ghostcat, and the ghost of their mother are other central characters. In the story Billie, Davis, and their Gen X circle of friends are coming to terms with aging, the declining health (and loss) of their parents, and adjusting to a new post-pandemic world. It is an urban fantasy taking place in Oakland and the San Francisco Bay Area “Agrippa” is a dystopic near-future tale that takes place in an unnamed industrialized nation very much like the United States. When foreign creditors demand that the nation repay its considerable international debt or face war it enacts the Dulcetta Reforms, ultra-restrictive laws establishing debtor’s prison, and causing a large number of people – many of them seniors – to go to jail or even face execution if not continuously working to pay off their personal debts to the government. Dr. Tine, an expert in geriatric medicine, is desperately searching for employment at the beginning of our tale, having lost her useful functioning in society as the elders she once treated were rounded up and hauled off to the prison camps. Things were so bad she didn't think they could possibly get any worse. How very wrong she was. Dreamworlds: Beyond Somnalia - the author is plagued by a series of increasing demands from their fictional characters who come to take over the writer's life.

Ghost Cat is the Best Cat, The Drain Monster, and Other Tales of Terror - Sumiko Saulson
Ghost Cat is Best Cat, Drain Monster and Other Tales of Terror

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: When it's discovered a prep school teacher was once a romance novel cover model, his life is turned upside-down.

Mr. Morrissey's Secret - Toni V. Sweeney
Mr. Morrissey's Secret

Word Count: 93300

Summary: Silya comes into her own, but will she be enough? Silya finally has everything she always wanted: She's the Hencha Queen, head of the Temple, and is mastering her newfound talents. So why does the world pick now to fall apart? Her once-nemesis Raven is off riding dragons, and their mutual friend (and her ex) Aik is nowhere to be found. Meanwhile, a new threat menaces the Heartland from the East. If she can't convince a reluctant city council to prepare for the worst, she may lose everything—and everyone—she's ever cared about. As Silya wields her abilities, dry wit, and sheer determination to save her city, she's joined by Raven and his new friends, just as a dark storm threatens to sweep them all away. Will their aid help tip the scales? And will she and Raven finally find out what happened to Aik? Forget messy. Things just got apocalyptic.

The Hencha Queen - J. Scott Coatsworth
The Hencha Queen SALE

Word Count: 180000

Summary: In November 2039, marine scientist Wend Taylor heaves themself aboard a zero-emissions boat skippered by elusive nature photographer Viola Yang. Guided by instinct, ocean dreams, and a shared birthday in 1972, they barter stories for passage across the Pacific. Aljon, Viola’s younger cousin, keeps a watchful eye and an innovative galley. Story by story, the trio rethink secrets, flying dreams, and how they experience their own minds. When they reach Hawaiʻi and prepare to part ways, opportunity and mystery pull them closer together. Both scientific and personal discoveries take shape as they join with ex-lovers, lost friends, and found family. Wend must navigate an ever-shifting future, complicated by bioengineered microbes and a plot to silence scientists, entangled with inexplicable dreams and a calling to Be the Sea.

Be the Sea - Clara Ward
Be the Sea

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: “There cannot be a war, the nations must hold strong.” Those were the words spoken to Jenna as she and her friends tried to save Traanafaeren from falling to the forces of evil. They were spoken right before Lithunane, the capital of Traanafaeren, was destroyed and war became real. Jenna raced to Irundail, the new capital of Traanafaeren, to find a way to follow the prophecies that would help her as the Protector to stop the end of all worlds by the followers of the dark god Qhazborh. Unfortunately, the original Protector’s knowledge was lost when the woman was mind sacrificed and Jenna was ripped out of Los Angeles and into the woman’s body. She thought she’d have more time to learn everything, but time has run out. War has started the final clock running and there are only two ways it will end. Joining back up with the love of her life, Storm, and more of their friends is bittersweet as they all rush to risk their lives to destroy the portal. Failure to complete that will bring forth horrific monsters and end the world. All of the worlds. Demonspawn, hidden dangers, mysterious cavern worlds with deadly creatures, and menaces from deep in the sea stand in their way. Jenna must find a way with Storm, Ghortin, Crell, and others to save this world from the forces trying to destroy it. The gods and goddesses of old failed eons ago to destroy the portal. But one former graduate student from Los Angeles now must find a way to do it—or die with everyone and everything she knows. Join the final quest and conclusion now!

Destruction of Chaos - Marie Andreas - Books of the Curai
Destruction of Chaos

Word Count: 62,285

Summary: Inspired by the Edmund Fitzgerald's harrowing true story. This reimagining of tragic events is a gripping tale that delves into the depths of love, resilience, and the harsh realities that test the bonds of friendship. It’s an M/M romantic twist of fate tragedy that will leave you breathless with its emotional intensity. Ham and Echo, who have been inseparable since they were ten years old, share a bond that goes beyond friendship. When Ham is drafted into the army at nineteen, Echo, without hesitation, enlists as well, promising to have his back. Eleven years post-war, Echo is still haunted by what he has seen and done in Vietnam. Ham, now a family man with two sons, has managed to bury the past. But Echo, unable to escape the horrors of war, struggles to find his place in civilian life. Ham, recognizing his friend’s pain, takes it upon himself to guide Echo back to the light. He enrolls Echo in an anger management program and secures him a job on the ship he works on, the Gordon Lighton. As Echo’s feelings for Ham deepen, he dares to hope that Ham might feel the same. One stormy night aboard the Gordon Lighton, Echo stumbles upon a shocking secret-a human trafficking scheme operating right under their noses. As the weather worsens, the Gordon Lighton is subjected to the brutal onslaught of nature’s fury. The unthinkable question hangs palpably in the air. Will the Gordon Lighton weather the storm?      

Ham & Echo: Voyage of the Gordon Lighton
Ham and Echo: Voyage of the Gordon Lighton
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