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Word Count: Information not available

Summary: Welcome to the last of the great flying Cities! It’s 9172, YE (Year of the Empire), and the future has forgotten its past. Soaring miles over the Earth, Autumn, the sole surviving flying city, is filled to the brim with the manifold forms of humankind: from Human Plus “floor models” to the oppressed and disfranchised underclasses doing their dirty work and every imaginable variation between. Valerius Bakhoum is a washed-up private eye and street hustler scraping by in Autumn. Late on his rent, fetishized and reviled for his imperfect genetics, stuck in the quicksand of his own heritage, Valerius is trying desperately to wrap up his too-short life when a mythical relic of humanity’s fog-shrouded past walks in and hires him to do one last job. What starts out as Valerius just taking a stranger’s money quickly turns into the biggest and most dangerous mystery he’s ever tried to crack – and Valerius is running out of time to solve it. Now Autumn’s abandoned history – and the monsters and heroes that adorn it – are emerging from the shadows to threaten the few remaining things Valerius holds dear. Can the burned-out detective navigate the labyrinth of lies and maze of blind faith around him to save the City of Autumn from its greatest myth and deadliest threat as he navigates his feelings for his newest client, the handsome golem Alejandro?

A Fall in Autumn - Michael G. Williams
A Fall in Autumn

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: Memories of another life and lover guide her, but are they even hers? She is a Bearer—keeper of past lifetimes and gifted with strange talents. Ember must find her answers away from safe Longquan Village, snared instead in the sensuality and dangers of The City. Hidden among spider farmers and slaves, prostitutes and weavers, a nest of people like her are waiting. A powerful man outside The City raises his forces, determined to hunt down the ‘demons’ who could taint his followers. Threatened from without and within, can the Bearers even trust each other? Powers will rise and alliances will be forged in a dark new world. The Memory Bearers are coming. This book includes violent and mature content. Reader discretion is advised.

After the Garden - Michele Browne
After the Garden

Word Count: 22700

Summary: When yet another wave of colonizing Felters arrives to strengthen their fortress on the forest’s edge, Velu, an indigenous hunter, knows they bring only pain and death. But with them arrives an intriguing older woman who hunts legends. When Velu learns the woman, Lady Greyback, shares his terrifying visions of the ancient scorpion god, Ajakava, she invites him to research what they mean. But the Felters grow hostile, blaming Velu and the other hunters for deaths in a doomed expedition through the forest. Meanwhile, the visions become ever more persistent, hinting the god is awakening. When a second Felter expedition seeks to extend their reach to the capital beyond the forest, only Velu and Lady Greyback know they will walk straight into Ajakava's clutches. While the lady sees new destruction, Velu sees memories of a long-forgotten massacre. What vengeance does the old god have in store, and for whom? Find out what happens in Ajakava by Chaitanya Murali

Ajakava - Chaitanya Murali

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: Step through a portal in time - and steal a piece of history! Iria and Madge, witches extraordinaire, have summoned Joshua Norton I, self-declared Emperor of the United States, back from the nineteenth century to help them save the city of San Francisco from a demon of greed. Mammon, their infernal adversary, is running a real estate scam to end all real estate scams, and he's got his own helping hand from the city's past: Etta Place, famous in her day as the accomplice of Butch Cassidy and partner of the Sundance Kid. As Norton dodges mafia foot soldiers alongside another of San Francisco's larger-than-life figures from yesteryear on the fog-shrouded streets of Chinatown long ago, Iria and Madge find themselves face to face with Mammon and Etta in modern day - and trapped in very different timelines. It'll take all their ingenuity, bravery, and prowess to fix time itself, steal the prize, and get these three heroes back together!

All the Pomp of Earthly Majesty - Michael G. Williams - Shadow Council Archives
All the Pomp of Earthly Majesty

Word Count: 120000

Summary: U.S. Marshal James Creed has known loss, starting from the untimely death of his wife and daughter in a sudden fire. His work, chasing down and arresting outlaws across the Wild West, is all he has left to live for. Then one day, in 1876, the infamous killer Corwin Blake catches Creed by surprise and guns him down. Creed awakes after a mysterious young woman resurrects him in a basement laboratory beneath a brothel. Half alive, Creed feels torn between his need for justice and his desire to fall back into the peace of death. Creed's instincts drive him to protect the city of Santa Cruz, California, from the outlaws it harbors while searching for Blake. He uncovers a secret criminal organization, likely protecting Blake, determined to use resurrection technology for its own ends. The former marshal, now faster, stronger, and a more deadly shot than ever before, must work with a brothel madam, a bounty hunter, and the remaining marshals to uncover the criminal syndicate before they can misuse the machines of rebirth and create more mindless zombies. Meanwhile, he must also stop Blake, before the outlaw kills the only people he cares about. His own death can wait.

Bodacious Creed - Jonathan Fesmire
Bodacious Creed

Word Count: 65000

Summary: A young man sold into servitude has his loyalties tested in ways he never imagined. Raised in an orphanage in Dickens, Daniel doesn't know who his parents were, where he comes from, or even his last name. Like all orphans, on his 16th birthday, he's sold to the highest bidder. Not knowing where he's going, who's bought him, or what they even want with him, Daniel embarks on an adventure he never thought he'd take. He finds love, a family, and a secure future - yet in a split second, makes a decision he ends up regretting the rest of his life. Brothers begins fifteen years before the Red Dog Conspiracy series. Warning: Language, smoking, use of alcohol and drugs, attempted suicide by hanging, M/M underage sexuality with consent issues, forced servitude, blood, gun violence, a man being beaten by a horsewhip, murder, discussion of child prostitution, underage M/F sexuality with age gap (female older).

Brothers - Patricia Loofbourrow - Red Dog Conspiracy

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: Eclectic, imaginative, and unexpected, Community of Magic Pens features forty genre-spanning flash and short stories--including fantasy, humor, science fiction, romance, historical fiction, satire, and mystery--bringing together a rich group of diverse voices from a wide range of backgrounds and intersections. Fountain pens, markers and ink, charcoals, spy pens, a braille writer, a printing press, virtual reality, and a supernatural pizza: whether revealing unspoken truths, fighting injustice, or finding friendship and love, our pens have power. Join us as a recent graduate of superhero school struggles to understand her gift, a disabled android interviews for a job, a queen’s conscripted artist must pull reality from illustrations on parchment, and a grandmother’s secret room is…better kept a secret. Tales of struggle and triumph, compassion and hope: Community of Magic Pens is a celebration of our shared story.

Community of Magic Pens anthology
Community of Magic Pens

Word Count: 80000

Summary: Other stories will take you to Mars. This one will take you inside the boardroom, the pub, and the bedroom with the people planning the mission. Gurdeep is an engineer and a soldier. Georgie’s a food scientist. One is pragmatic with a tough outer shell; the other’s an optimist, a person of ideas and compassion. In the span of a single afternoon, the couple find themselves in charge of planning a self-sustaining colony on Mars. Together, they’re humanity’s last hope for survival. They have 160 slots to fill with experts from all over the world as they set about designing an all-new society with its own government, economy, and culture – and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Among those chosen for the mission is Devon, an autistic scientist with a unique skill set who finds life on Earth strange and alienating. Maybe a whole new planet is exactly what’s needed. With 1,114 days until the launch, excitement and tensions run high. Earth’s second chance hangs in the balance. Between strict genetic requirements and the dangers of the dystopian almost-present, will everyone make it to the final countdown? This is a work of neurodiverse, culturally diverse, gender-bendy, socio-politico-economic, drunken-arguments-in-the-pub science fiction – not bang-bang-pew-pew science fiction.

Devon's Island - SI Clarke
Devon's Island

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: They told him he was chosen, but everything they told him was a lie. Sookahr believes he’s destined to change the world. With his rodent companion and a motley crew of fellow serpents, he journeys to the farthest outpost of Serpentia, determined to prove himself. The quest leads him to the very edge of the jungle, where Sookahr encounters, not only sabotage, but a dark secret that could shake the foundation of his civilization. Betrayed and abandoned, Sookarh must discover his own power, harness the magic inside his dreams, and decide who he really wants to be. Because if he can’t rise to the challenge, expose his enemy, and uncover the truth, he won\'t just lose his way. He’ll lose his friends, his place in society… and his life. In a world ruled by reptiles, one snake must fulfil his destiny to overthrow corruption, expose a dark secret, and save his people… from themselves. 2020 Leo Literary Award Winner

Disbanded - Frances Pauli - Serpentia

Word Count: 93000

Summary: Three vampires. Three lives. Three stories intertwined. Bearing the guilt of destroying the holiest of books after becoming a vampire, the Dragon, Lord Desmond searches the world for lost knowledge, but instead, discovers truth in love. Born a slave in Ancient Greece, Alexandra craves freedom above all else, until a vampire sets her free, and then, she must pay the highest price of all … her human soul. An assassin who lives in the shadows, Roquelaure is cloaked even from himself, until he discovers the power of friendship and loyalty. Three vampires, traveling the world by moonlight—one woman and two men who forge a bond made in love and blood. Together they form a band of mercenaries called the Scarlet Order, and recruit others who are like them. Their mission is to protect kings and emperors against marauders, invaders, and rogue vampires as the world descends into the chaos of the Dark Ages.

Dragon's Fall: Rise of the Sacrlet Order Vampires - David Lee Summers
Dragon's Fall SALE

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: Some secrets refuse to stay hidden. Three years have passed since Donnie murdered the man who was brutalizing members of his community at a cruising spot known only as The Stop. He was never charged. Less than a handful of people knew what he'd done. Now, he has a new boyfriend, close friends, and is working his way toward college graduation. He is putting what happened behind him. His growing peace is shaken, however, when a package arrives containing a small ragdoll dressed like a Catholic priest. Someone knows his secret. Someone intent on punishing him as the law had not. As the body count rises, Donnie finds himself once again in a terrifying position. Will he kill or be killed?

Effigy - W. Dale Jordan

Word Count: 42,203

Summary: Katja has long spent her life buried in the pain and sorrow of her past, a vampire abandoned to her fate for over 300 years, she never expects to meet another who could help her reclaim her existence. Raven, a poet and fellow lost soul, could be the one to spur her on, but in order to have the future she has only begun to grasp, she must uncover the truth about her origins and the awful event which left her alone centuries before. If she cannot face her past and reclaim her strength, she will lose everything.

Eyes Like Blue Fire - Amanda M. Lyons
Eyes Like Blue Fire

Word Count: 45000

Summary: A mordant, smirking collection; rife with life in a grim future Florida, notions of Christianity and its cousin Satanism—spies, mercenaries, magic, asteroid-belt drillers, and above all else, a universe bent forever by the powers of pleasure and pain.

Forsaken, Fantastic - David Rose
Forsaken, Fantastic!

Word Count: 135000

Summary: “Aye, well, what is an angel, anyway?” At Samhain, things in Llwyncudd are taking a turn for the strange and bizarre. The red dragon is spotted around town trying to dig its own grave whilst his vessel is happily participating in life elsewhere. Did Stewart’s dragon spirit leave him? Michael, can’t live with the thought. Meanwhile, Dr Lilibeth Blackthorne, PsyD, has moved to town at her brother Sam’s suggestion. Many of its residents are in desperate need of her counselling services and she’s uniquely qualified—even if she’s never particularly seen multiple personalities quite like this. Fairy-halfling Arthen also joins the town after being raised in the local fairy village on the other side. Despite the odd cultural clashes of living in a society that requires silly things like clothing, he is making many new friends and is more special than his former masters would have him believe. Join our friends as they battle their demons from the darker side of the veil in Green Hills and Battlefields—the thrilling fifth book of the Green Hills Series by Celyn Kendrick!

Green Hills and Battlefields - Celyn Kendrick
Green Hills and Battlefields

Word Count: 147000

Summary: “Will I always be so alone, living as a dragon among the sheep?” Jane Dawson is an American on a journey of midlife makeover. Abandoning a tech career in Boston, she and her sheepdog, Moss, move to Wales in search of a simpler life, connection and community without the filter of the Internet. But who knew she would stumble over the red Welsh dragon, y Ddraig Goch? Actually, she stumbles over her own suitcase and falls on her face in the middle of Main Street. But her plea for help (or maybe it was just swearing) is answered by the shy local dragon who doesn’t know he’s a dragon—Stewart Rygby. But what rational, sane person believes in dragons and fairies? Why have such myths and legends persisted in the misty green hills of Wales over the aeons? And why does Moss need to mark everything in sight—including her new landlord? Join us as our dragons awaken from their slumber in Green Hills and Daffodils—the exciting first book in the Green Hills Series by Celyn Kendrick!

Green Hills and Daffodils - Celyn Kendrick
Green Hills and Daffodils

Word Count: 137000

Summary: “Ye never ken what beasties lurk in the water…” The white and red dragons have been spiritual soulmates for as long as anyone can remember. Finally, their human vessels Stewart and Michael are together once more—except one of them has a hard time remembering or believing that he’s a dragon. As his mysterious family’s past starts revealing itself, Stewart Rygby has been made aware of his responsibility to manage and protect vast estate holdings that are in his care—which includes the local fairy village. There is also the impending problem of a lake resort planned to be built dangerously close to the dragons’ ancient lair. While Father Aron has the power to prevent this egregious trespass, it may take some angelic intervention to convince him to accept such a crusade on faith. Join us as our dragons come together for another lifetime in Green Hills and Dragon Tales—the momentous second book in the Green Hills Series by Celyn Kendrick!

Green Hills and Dragon Tales - Celyn Kendrick
Green Hills and Dragon Tales

Word Count: 140000

Summary: “You probably shouldn’t stop to talk to strange men, dragons or fairies…” Stewart Rygby and Michael Dougal are looking forward to a new chapter in a new lifetime together, but the waiting is driving them mad. It also doesn’t help that Stewart’s mother is prone to random outbursts of poetry punctuated by the pealing of bells in the local fairy village. Whilst visiting Michael in Scotland, Stewart also gets to meet his fiancé’s cousin and the future mother of their children—Shannon Anderson. After getting dumped by her girlfriend of ten years by sticky note, she’s sick of pretences and vows to live life differently and by her own rules. Meanwhile, back in Llwyncudd, there’s a new vicar in town. Father Aron Lewis tries to look at retirement and the odd turn his life has taken as a positive—and one quite possibly fated by God. But God seems to have a twisted sense of humour. Join us for a puppy poppy tea party pealing parade in Green Hills and Fairy Bells—the prophetic third book in the Green Hills Series by Celyn Kendrick!

Green Hills and Fairy Bells - Celyn Kendrick
Green Hills and Fairy Bells

Word Count: 129000

Summary: “Who but God could have created such a bewitching creature?” In the 6th century, Brother Elis was simply trying his best to serve God during a time of relative political peace and prosperity. But in a world full of rules written by man, how can he be at peace with the life that God has set before him? Now, in the 21st century, for the first lifetime in their ancient dragon memories, Stewart Rygby and Michael Dougal are free to marry one another. Is this finally their time to shine? When a messenger from the other side arrives on their doorstep, he brings more news from the fairy realm than the simple tidings from the Grand High Council of y Pentref Cudd. His presence demonstrates how little everyone truly knows about fairy society. As the mysterious and inexplicable spirit realm is revealed, retired vicar Father Aron is finally getting some very literal answers to his spiritual questions. Will he be able to keep such secrets to himself so that Stewart and Michael can live in anonymity? Join us for a wedding as esoteric mysteries are revealed in Green Hills and Holy Wells—the fourth book in the Green Hills Series by Celyn Kendrick!

Green Hills and Holy Wells - Celyn Kendrick
Green Hills and Holy Wells

Word Count: 154000

Summary: “Birth, life and death—we have come full circle once again.” An 18th-century family portrait has been in the dining room of the Lewis family manor house for as long as anyone can remember. But who are the people shown in it? The children are known to be the founding members of the Llynhiraeth empire. But who is the woman depicted? Or the two men with her? And why do they look like Stewart Rygby and Michael Dougal? Stewart and Michael search through their memories of past lives to dig up the exciting tale of their scandalous life, love, family, and escape from France in the years and days leading up to the French Revolution. Along the way, many questions are answered about the origins of the prominent families of Llwyncudd and its most famous citizen. Join us where y Ddraig Goch meets his own tail in Green Hills and Prison Cells—the revolutionary final book of the Green Hills Series.

Green Hills and Prison Cells - Celyn Kendrick
Green Hills and Prison Cells

Word Count: 142000

Summary: “It was certainly hot and dry, but he hadn’t expected Hell to be particularly sunny.” Ben Davies is no stranger to the strange, but his life just got a whole lot weirder. He’s always battled between doing the morally right, sensible thing and impulse—but this time, his good intentions have landed him in hot water. Trapped in the Land of Nod with Alex’s Dreamtime alter-ego, Ben needs to find a way to get back to Wales—his Wales. With a psychotic psychopomp as their Virgil to guide them on an RV road trip through hell, Ben and Alex get to see America in all its star-spangled glory. It’ll take a transatlantic transdimensional meeting in the middle for these two to keep calm and carry on in their pursuit of happiness. Back in the fairy village, tensions are running at an all-time high. Will y Pentreff Cudd start the new year in an all-out civil war? Or set aside their differences to find peace and goodwill? Join dragons, fairies and transdimensional puppies in Green Hills and Whippoorwills—the thought-provoking sixth book in the Green Hills Series by Celyn Kendrick!

Green Hills and Whippoorwills - Celyn Kendrick
Green Hills and Whippoorwills
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