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A God of Gods

Dreams of Chaos Book 3

by Ashley Chappell

A God of Gods - Ashley Chappell - Dreams of Chaos
Part of the Dreams of Chaos series:
Editions:Kindle: $ 4.99
Pages: 427

Chaos has chosen an ending.
After stripping Trotter’s chosen dominion away from her, Chaos forced her into the ancient role of the God of Gods. It is now her responsibility, whether or not she chooses to accept it, to bring Death to all Creation.
Wary of Trotter’s new power, the gods of Realm make a deal with devils from their ancient past. But when the gods begin appearing in Aevum, ragged and terrified by the horrors they’ve unleashed, they discover that something else is using Trotter’s dominion over Death to alter the ending Chaos chose…

About the Author

Ashley Chappell writes satire and young adult epic fantasy featuring expansive world-building and universes filled with magic, mayhem, and monsters.

Upcoming releases include A Mother of Gods: Dreams of Chaos Book 4 and Harrowers: Hawk of Hell, a gritty adventure in which Hell is a job for life. Or rather, a job for the afterlife.


Ms. Chappell currently resides in North Alabama where she works at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center. When not writing or burying her nose in a Terry Pratchett or Brandon Sanderson novel, she can be found working alongside her husband building their off-grid, semi-underground dream home in the foothills of the Appalachians.