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An English Heaven

by Julie Bozza

A muddy trench in France during the Great War wasn’t the most auspicious place for Tom and Michael to reach an understanding of their own natures. A small, individual tragedy unfolds … But then Tom discovers a place beyond, where he and other men like him are blessed with all that life denied them.

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Reviews:Debbie McGowan on Beaten Track Publishing wrote:

What a lovely short read - complete and perfect in language, setting and just full of English delight, really - after the initial tragedy. Somehow, in so few words, it heals so much more than that one 'small' wrong.

About the Author

Julie Bozza is an Aussie-Anglo hybrid empowered by writing, fuelled by espresso, calmed by knitting, overexcited by photography, and madly in love with Amy Adams and John Keats.