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Balance of Power

by Damien Benoit-Ledoux

They aren’t above killing…

…and now his family and boyfriend are missing.

Everyone thinks The Order’s dangerous new super villain Nightmare wants to destroy the world, but Quinn knows better.

This is different. This time, it’s personal.

The stakes have never been higher, and Quinn—as the superhero Blue Spekter—has a crazy plan that just might work. Can he defeat Nightmare and The Order before it’s too late?

If he fails and Nightmare slaughters him, who will stop the maniacal super villain from destroying everything and everyone they love?

BALANCE OF POWER is the fifth book of The Guardian Series and is part of the Spekter Superhero Universe.

Remember all those cool things that happened before? Well, this book wraps all that stuff up. Read it now! You know you want to!

About the Author

Damien's mind is a magical and nerdy place where fantastic heroes defend amazing worlds from dangerous villains who run amuck in an epic struggle to take over the universe. The brightest and best from this colorful cast of characters have made their way into notes, plots, stories, and novels for you to read and enjoy.

Damien strongly believes the real world we live in should be a place where LGBTQ equality and respect are second nature and never questioned. When he's not working or spending time with his husband, their two boys, and their dog. Damien weaves this philosophy into the exciting lives of his characters and the fantastic space battles and romances they endure so they'll stop taking over his dreams at night.

And finally, he wants you to remember a very important thing: No matter how bad your day is at work, it’s always important to be grateful that you don’t work for a Sith Lord.