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Family and Reflection

The Sleepless City - (series written with Elizabeth Noble) - Book 3

by Anne Barwell

Family and Reflection - Anne Barwell - Sleepless City
Part of the The Sleepless City series:
Editions:Kindle - Second Edition: $ 5.99
ISBN: 978-0-473-53908-5
Pages: 260
Paperback - Second Edition: $ 12.99
ISBN: 978-0-473-53826-2
Size: 8.00 x 5.00 in
Pages: 302

When a rebel werewolf and a vampire thief fall in love, only one thing is certain—trouble.

For as long as Lucas Coate can remember, werewolves have been taught to mistrust vampires. Lucas is an exception—he has close friends who are vampires. The werewolf pack in Boggslake—and their leader, Jacob Coate—have made it clear that Lucas’s association with vampires is barely tolerated, and another transgression will be his last. When Lucas finds out about the plague of werewolf deaths in the area, he wants to help even though his own life may already be in danger.

Declan has been away from Boggslake for ten years, but he isn’t surprised to learn that the internal politics of the Supernatural Council haven’t changed for the better. When a series of burglaries hit close to home soon after he arrives, Declan—a vampire and professional thief—is their prime suspect, although for once, he isn’t responsible. With the council keeping secrets, no one is safe. Time is running out, and for Lucas and Declan, everything is about to change.

Authors Note: This story was originally released in 2015 by another publisher. This edition has been re-edited.


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“If someone had told me twenty years ago I’d be having a conversation about something like this with a vampire, I’d have told them they were crazy.”

“You’re having this conversation with a friend,” Declan corrected him. “It doesn’t matter what we are, but who we are.”

“Do you really believe that?”

“I want to.” Declan thought for a moment, wanting the right words. Why was this so difficult? He’d given advice to Jonas and Simon many times without any trouble.

“We’re both as bad as each other, yeah?” Lucas seemed sad.

“Why do you say that, and about what?” Declan let go of Lucas.

“I’m a werewolf, and you’re a vampire—”

“You’ve only noticed that now?” Declan interrupted dryly. He walked back to his chair, adjusting it so he was opposite Lucas and could see his face.


Lucas laughed, but this time it sounded natural, not forced. “I’ve gotten used to living at the castle. I love it here, and the guys are my friends. Most of the time I forget we’re different. They’re family. I don’t care what they are. It’s like you said. The important thing is who they are.” He sobered. “Then crap like this goes down… Why do I suddenly feel as though I’m a part of the pack again and need to follow their stupid rules?”

“You’re a part of whatever family you want to be, Lucas.” Declan knew what he wanted—needed—to say now. “One thing I’ve learned with having a long life is that family is who you choose. I didn’t get on with mine that well. I had a father who had expectations too.” He pulled himself up sharply before he went anywhere near those memories. Very little of what he’d done had pleased his father. “We might be different, you and I, mon ami, but in many ways we’re the same.”

“I kind of get the expectation thing with you guys.” Lucas paused and looked apologetic before continuing. “Simon’s not said much about his past, but I get the impression his father expected him to do stuff he didn’t want to do as well.” He scowled. “Be a good son and carry on the family name and traditions. I’m guessing Forge went through the same thing, but he’s never said anything about it. At least not to me.”

“Why do you get it with us?” Declan figured he already knew the answer but wanted to be certain he and Lucas were talking about the same thing.

“You’re a lot older than I am. I can understand this stuff going on a hundred, or even two—”

“Closer to three hundred,” Declan said.

“Yeah, that. You’re old. No offense.” Lucas waved one hand.

“None taken.” Declan couldn’t help but smile. “I know I’m old. But you know what they say about fine wine?”

“Yeah, and, hey, I’m not complaining.” Lucas took a long drink of coffee. “You interrupted my flow. I was making a point here.”


“So you’re old, so I expect that kind of stuff from you guys. It was a long time ago.” Lucas growled low in his throat. “But us… the pack… we… they’re carrying on like we’re still living in that society. I’ve told my father that he needs to move with the times or the pack will be left behind. Sure, they use technology, but for the rest of it, you’d think we’d only just gotten off the Mayflower or something.”

“It takes a long time for some people to accept change.” Declan leaned over and brushed a lock of hair back from Lucas’s forehead. “Some never do.” He’d seen vampires who couldn’t move past what their lives had been like as humans. Most of them hadn’t survived.

“Yeah.” Lucas swallowed. He shook his head when Declan started to move his chair farther back and away from temptation. “I don’t mind you touching me like that,” he said softly.

“I should…” Declan hadn’t thought, just reacted. He’d meant what he’d said about flirting and had no intention of leading Lucas on. “We’re friends,” he said finally.

“I wouldn’t be talking to you about this stuff if we weren’t.” Lucas looked like he was about to say something but cleared his throat instead. “I know you’re kind of touchy-feely and all that. So am I. So—”

A loud knock sounded at the front door.

“Now what?” Lucas muttered.

Boggs materialized in front of them. He looked annoyed. “There are two gentlemen at the door,” he said. “I don’t know who exactly they are, but I heard them talking before they knocked. They’re from the council.”

“I already apologized about that weird stuff in the garbage,” Lucas said.

“Not that council.” Boggs rolled his eyes. “The other one.”


Reviews:Nikyta on The Blogger Girls wrote:

Lucas has been friends with his vampire roommates for about a decade and since then, he’s been an outcast to his pack. When Declan, Forge’s ex-lover, arrives in Flint, he can’t help the attraction he feels towards the man but knows vampires and werewolves don’t mix. But when Declan gets accused of a crime against the Supernatural Council, Lucas’ protective instinct kicks in and he’s determined to prove Declan’s innocence. Add to that, there’s a plague affecting werewolves that no one can find a cure for. When it comes down to life and death, will Lucas and Declan be able to save each other or will their time run out before it even begins?

I’ve been a fan of this series since I started it last year. It’s a very intriguing world so with each new story that comes out, I get even more excited. So far, this has been my favorite of the series and not just because it has the vampire/werwolf combo but because Lucas and Declan together are so amazing! I absolutely adored the fact they had such a great friendship before they became something else. I also loved the chemistry between them.

But it wasn’t just that, I really enjoyed the storyline in this one. I loved following along on the werewolf plague journey and getting to understand more of the paranormal world. I was drawn into this story right from the start and found it really hard to put down! However, the characters (both primary and secondary) made this story such a great one. Lucas was so endearing and Declan was so… amusing. I actually didn’t expect him to be so playful and modern… if that makes any sense LOL.

I absolutely loved, loved, loved this book but my biggest issue is that I felt like there was a lot of questions unanswered. Not with the mystery or anything because I know that’s an overall arc but with Lucas and Declan. I wanted to explore more of their relationship, how their connection transformed and what it ultimately transformed into. I wanted to see MORE of them when they’re bonded and to truly understand how their soul bond is different than the others… and to find out why Lucas couldn’t feel Declan. Aside from that, I wished there was a little more effort into seeing Declan trying to undercover the true thief because there wasn’t much of that besides the accusations and then the discovery of the person… who I couldn’t really understand how they were able to steal things.

In the end, though, this was a FABULOUS story. Definitely my favorite out of the series so far and I’m so glad Lucas finally got his story! I’m having so much fun with this series so I cannot wait until the next book and to see what happens next. I sincerely hope we get another book where Lucas and Declan are the main characters but at this point, I just want more of the world! If you’ve liked the series so far, definitely make this your next read!

About the Author

Anne Barwell lives in Wellington, New Zealand. She shares her home with kitty siblings Byron and Marigold who are convinced her office chair is theirs.

In 2008, Anne completed her conjoint BA in English Literature and Music/Bachelor of Teaching. She has worked as a music teacher, a primary school teacher, and now works in a library. She is a member of the Upper Hutt Science Fiction Club and plays violin for Hutt Valley Orchestra.

She is an avid reader across a wide range of genres and a watcher of far too many TV series and movies, although it can be argued that there is no such thing as “too many.” These, of course, are best enjoyed with a decent cup of tea and further the continuing argument that the concept of “spare time” is really just a myth. She also hosts and reviews for other authors, and writes monthly blog posts for Love Bytes.  She is the co-founder of the New Zealand Rainbow Romance writers, and a member of RWNZ.

Anne’s books have received honourable mentions five times, reached the finals four times—one of which was for best gay book—and been a runner up in the Rainbow Awards.  She has also been nominated twice in the Goodreads M/M Romance Reader’s Choice Awards—once for Best Fantasy and once for Best Historical.