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Revolution of Air and Rust

by David Lee Summers

Revolution of Air & Rust - David Lee Summers - Adventures in Steampunkery
Editions:Paperback: $ 5.95
ISBN: ‎ 978-1885093660
Size: 5.50 x 8.50 in
Pages: 82
ePub: $ 2.99
Pages: 82

1915. Teddy Roosevelt is building an empire. Only Pancho Villa stands in his way.

The American Expeditionary Force under the command of General "Black Jack" Pershing has invaded Northern Mexico. Pancho Villa leads his revolutionary army in a desperate raid against the American force only to be outflanked. Just as Pershing's airships prepare to deliver the death blow, Pancho Villa is transported to a parallel Earth where he finds an unexpected ally and the technology that might just turn defeat into victory.

Revolution of Air and Rust is a stand-alone novella set in the Empires of Steam and Rust world created by Robert E. Vardeman and Stephen D. Sullivan. A story filled with military action, espionage and gadgetry that's sure to satisfy fans of steampunk and alternate history.


  • Jul 1 - Jul 31: This book is 50% off the cover price during the Summer/Winter sales event with the code SSW50 at Smashwords
Reviews:Hal CF Astell on The Nameless Zine wrote:

On every point, it succeeds. I was on board immediately, because the scene was set with a deft skill. I cared about the characters, whether I knew who they were in historical terms, and I felt that there was nuance to the historical setting, rather than being phrased as a simplistic, black and white conflict between good guys vs. bad guys. The technology works well, both historical and steampunk and the escalation that happens fits perfectly into a fictional framework. I even got caught out by the twist, which is very capably handled.

About the Author

David Lee Summers lives in Southern New Mexico at the cusp of the western and final frontiers. He's written novels about space pirates, vampire mercenaries, mad scientists in the old west, and astronomer ghosts. He's edited thrilling anthologies of space adventure that imagine what worlds discovered by NASA's Kepler mission might be like. When he's not writing or editing, David explores the universe for real at Kitt Peak National Observatory. To learn more about David or his books visit his website at http://www.davidleesummers.