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Dawn Sister

Dawn is from the North East of England. Her life is spent juggling. The juggling balls are: children, husband, work (occasionally), voluntary work, professional knitting (notice she doesn't class this as work), and writing. When she has time she actually sleeps.

The whole point of writing for Dawn is just to get it all off her chest and out of her head. If she doesn't write it down then she ends up having long conversations with the characters out loud and her husband thinks she's crazy.

I like chocolate, coffee and donuts, sometimes all at the same time.
I love evenings around a campfire singing in the company of good friends.
I like listening to the dawn chorus even if I’ve been awake all night.
I like reading stories with characters that are filled with hope even in their darkest hours.
I like happy endings.
I write LGBTQ+ Romance (with happy endings of course).
Read my blog for insights into my stories, updates on WIPs and some exclusive excerpts.

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Books By Dawn Sister

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