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M.A.B. Wyman

Malkam is an aspiring author living in southwest Michigan, brewing beer by day and writing novels by night. Born and raised in Kalamazoo, Malkam is proud to be a Child of Deaf Adults (CODA), whose parents worked hard to put him through college, so he could become a graduate of Western Michigan University with a Bachelor in Fine Arts, and an emphasis in creative writing and poetry.

After joining the beverage industry in 2010, Malkam learned the craft of brewing beer, and currently works as the Head Brewer of Round Barn Brewery and Public House, in Baroda, MI. His abiding interest in culinary and brewing history has allowed him to explore modern trends, traditional styles, historical techniques, and ancient ales, which have inspired his revolving list of projects in the brewery.

Malkam has also been a dedicated student of martial arts, and has studied Taiji and Kung Fu for twenty years under the tutelage of Grandmaster George Hu, who has carried on, and improved upon the work of an esteemed lineage of teachers. The philosophy of these arts is very inspirational, and his experience growing up in a martial arts culture has greatly influenced Malkam’s work on the Saga of the Laymonk.

In his travels, Malkam has been lucky enough to visit many historic and natural landmarks, and he has a deep love of museums and fine art. Malkam is an avid reader of literature and poetry, and has been participating in storytelling and performance art with Indigan Storyteller Workshops since 2013.

Malkam currently lives in southwest Michigan, with his lovely wife and son, their three dogs, a snake, and a cat that is secretly an immortal witch in disguise.

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Books By M.A.B. Wyman

Word Count: 115000

Summary: Rumors are swirling in the northlands about a curse in Westcliff. People are being driven mad by the touch of angry ghosts during the full moon, in a village already haunted by a brutal murder from decades ago. Growing up as an orphan, Genshai always expected his life would be the same as the other warriors of the abbey: learning the ways of the Iron Style, and training his mind and body toward Illumination. But, at the start of his fifteenth year the boy is shocked when the abbot names him the new laymonk, and he is sent to learn the ways of the world from his predecessor, an old man named Taisan. Soon, Genshai receives firsthand lessons in ways that he never imagined— from fighting for his life, to defending the innocent, and even striding between two worlds, into the ethereal Veil. And just as Genshai is beginning to learn how to keep the Still Mind in the presence of spirits, the laymonks are sent to Westcliff to break an old curse, and to confront an unfathomable evil. By taking up the staff of the laymonk, will Genshai uncover the truth about himself? Or will the madness spread, causing his greatest fears to be revealed on the night the Lotus is in Bloom?

Mountainroot - M.A.B. Wyman - Saga of the Laymonk