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Cold Fingers Series

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Word Count: 16434

Summary: Christopher Minnick is at a bad place in his life. Turning thirty and newly out of the hospital, the last thing he wants to do is attend a birthday dinner, even one thrown in his honor. When he is introduced to a friend's godson, things just might be starting to look up. Or are they? Victor Polidori seems like the perfect man. He’s clever, attractive and interested. But, even as Christopher finds himself falling in love, there are some things that just don’t add up. And when bodies start disappearing, Christopher knows he must get to the bottom of it. Will Christopher find his happily ever after or is it true what they say? All the good ones are either married or straight. Or they're necrophiliacs.

Cold Fingers - Amy Spector
Cold Fingers

Word Count: 18543

Summary: Life with Vic isn't exactly what Christopher Minnick was expecting. His boyfriend has given him a new lease on life - literally - but he doesn't have a job, Jessie thinks he's a ghost, and there are only so many closets on hand for shoving Jonathan into. Now, with Lee back in the limelight, things just might become more than Christopher can handle. Lee Hellstrom is hitting the big screen after more than three decades and, with the much younger Grant Cooper at his side on the red carpet, he plans to make a lasting impression. The only problem is that not all the attention Lee has drawn is good. When Lee goes missing, it's up to Christopher, Vic, and Grant to save the old man from a most horrible of fates. Christopher's life may not have been perfect, but his death is a pain in the ass.

Body of Work - Amy Spector - Cold Fingers
Body of Work