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Perilous Miles Series

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Word Count: Information not available

Summary: North Korea can't reach us with a nuke. But ... what if they can? A nuclear warhead detonated at 300 miles above the center of the United States would effectively take out the entire electrical grid and infrastructure of the forty-eight contiguous states. Most people don't think this is a possibility. But what if it is? What if a country like North Korea actually has the capability to do this but has led us to believe they don't? What if they had acquired stealth technology that would let them launch a missile that we didn't know about until it was too late to stop it? Carly Marshall is a twenty-first-century single mom. She works hard and lives modern. Take-out food, the latest technology, and all the modern conveniences of the time make up her life. She doesn't have to worry about feeding her family. She doesn't think twice about water coming out of the faucets. She's on the path to advancement at her firm. Life can't get much better. But what if it could get worse? Check out Book 1 in the Perilous Miles series by P.A. Glaspy. Readers are saying it's better than her first series. Find out for yourself!

300 Miles - P.A. Glaspy - Perilous Miles
300 Miles

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: They said it wasn’t possible. It shouldn’t have happened. Yet it did. The world as they knew it was gone. Technology all but disappeared. Everything that defined their modern lives dead in one big flash. No more luxuries, only survival. Now if they can just figure out how to do that. With a president hell bent on taking their supplies and their liberties for his own agenda, the people of this once flourishing land will have to fight on all fronts for their very existence. Most of them don’t know how to do that. They’re going to have to learn. Fast. Book 2 in the Perilous Miles Series by P.A. Glaspy. Continue the journey!

15 Miles From Home - P.A. Glaspy - Perilous Miles
15 Miles From Home

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: For some, the road leads to salvation. For others, it’s the last chance for freedom. The Chambers family has come to grips with the world as they knew it being gone. They know the city is the last place they want to be. With no modern vehicles working, they need another way to get out. They just have to figure out what that is. Major Sorley has to acquire the president-elect in New York City and get him back to Washington before President Olstein can destroy what remains of the Republic. This is not a one-man job. He’s going to need help. A family’s plight to escape; a soldier’s mission to complete. Continue the story of the Perilous Miles series by P.A. Glaspy. Gripping, realistic, you-can’t-put-it-down fiction!

Another 20 Miles - P.A. Glaspy - Perilous Miles
Another 20 Miles

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: An EMP attack by North Korea has left most of the United States dark, cold, and in chaos. Major Damon Sorley is on a mission to bring the president-elect to Washington as quickly as possible. The road is full of peril, as people realize this won’t be fixed anytime soon. But he’s not alone. He and his fellow soldiers will have to make some tough decisions. Their lives will depend on it. Having lived in blissful ignorance of the darker side of human nature, the Marshalls and Chandlers are finding out quickly that no place is safe from the desperation of those who find themselves ill-prepared to face their new reality. They must learn new skill sets if they are to survive — whether they want to or not. Can a tyrannical president be stopped? Will people who have never had to defend themselves be able to learn how in time? Grab the next installment in the Perilous Miles series by P.A. Glaspy today!

200 Miles to Liberty - P.A. Glaspy - Perilous Miles
200 Miles To Liberty