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Accidental Warrior: The Unlikely Tale of Bloody Hal

by Colin Alexander

Accidental Warrior - Colin Alexander - Unlikely Tale of Bloody Hal
Editions:ePub: $ 2.99
Paperback: $ 14.95
ISBN: 978-1973570660
Pages: 404
Audiobook: $ 24.95

A college party lands freshman Hal Christianson in an America that could have been: no smartphones, no cars, no flush toilets. What he finds is a squabbling bunch of states, the consequence of the colonies having grown up on their own after European civilization collapsed from plague in the 1670s, and they are poised on the brink of war.

For a socially awkward young man, who takes refuge in online games, this is a bad situation. He has no knowledge or experience that is useful in this world. He does, however, have one skill of value in a world where the rifle is a new invention – he is a competitive fencer.

What do you do when the world is strange and you have no way to control your own fate? Can Hal grow up fast enough to survive in this world and can he find a way home?

Publisher: Independently Published

About the Author

Colin Alexander is a writer of science fiction and fantasy. Actually, Colin Alexander is the pseudonym for Alton Kremer, maybe his alter ego, or who he would have been if he hadn\'t been a physician and biochemist and had a career as a medical researcher. Colin is an active member of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, Mystery Writers of America, and the Maine Writers & Publishers Alliance.  Away from writing fiction, his idea of relaxation is martial arts (taekwondo and minna jiu jitsu). He lives in Maine with his wife.