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by Joshua Dyer

A Paranormal Excursion in Four Acts.

It should have been a simple field experiment. Go in, prove I can do what I claim, and walk out with the cash. If they could see what I see. Feel the helplessness I do when something else takes over. I’ll bet they’re not kept awake at night by the voices in this place. They don’t see the darkness with eyes that follows us all around this estate as we gather proof. This money was going to help my little sister with her surgery. Good intentions and the road to Hell.

Tropes: Abandoned Place, Astral Projection, Beyond the Grave Communication, Burial Ground/Cemetary, Conspiracy, Dark Enemy, Demonic Possession, Haunted House, I See Dead People, Portals, Ultimate Evil, Vengeful Spirit, Waiting/Sleeping Evil
Tropes: Abandoned Place, Astral Projection, Beyond the Grave Communication, Burial Ground/Cemetary, Conspiracy, Dark Enemy, Demonic Possession, Haunted House, I See Dead People, Portals, Ultimate Evil, Vengeful Spirit, Waiting/Sleeping Evil

About the Author

Joshua Dyer writes in several different genres and styles including fantasy, science fiction, horror, and mainstream fiction. Several of his works have won awards in L. Ron Hubbard's Writers of the Future competition. Previously, he wrote for the Los Angeles Times where his fiction won their "Reader's Choice Award" for best story of the year. When he's not writing, Dyer likes to read, study languages, play video games, and bake.