
At first it seemed like a storybook romance—
A famous rock star disappears. Twenty-five years later, a former fan discovers he’s still alive. They fall in love and marry and he takes her to the ranch where he’s hidden for a quarter of a century—but there the love story degenerates into a tale of horror.
Once Travis Brandt, aka Hildebrand, brings Melissa to his ranch in the Nebraska sandhills, everything takes on a sinister tinge. Travis’ assertions as to why his former marriage was destroyed, and his decision to disappear at the height of his career sound false to his new wife, as does his refusal to have children.
When Melissa discovers she’s pregnant in spite of her husband’s careful attempts to prevent it, she learns Travis’ secret—the story of a youngster from Nebraska who became the idol of millions but wanted more; of a young man who bartered his soul to the Powers of Darkness in return for fame.
Hildebrand wanted it all and got it, and now, Travis, Melissa, and their new family must pay the price for his sins!
Publisher: Independently Published
Cover Artists:
Setting: Nebraska sandhills
Languages Available: English
Setting: Nebraska sandhills
Languages Available: English
Laguna Beach, California
August, 25 Years Ago
A threat of sunlight filters through the kitchen curtains. Until now, he’s managed to shut out the whole world with those flimsy pieces of tightly-drawn cloth.
Expensive little things…Cape Cods, Kassandra calls them. Five hundred per panel—imported Egyptian something-or-other. He thought it a waste of money but she insisted.
Now’s a helluva of a time to be contemplating the draperies, anyway. He should be thinking about more important things. Like going outside, facing the world again. Admitting to it exactly what he is.
Does he really want to do that?
READ MOREDamned room so hazy with smoke he can barely see, much less think. He’s killed some blunts and most of a bottle during the past twelve hours. It hasn’t helped, but he didn’t really expect it to. Did it out of habit, mostly.
Abruptly, his throat closes. A sense of suffocation and panic sets in.
Oh God.
No, no, don’t even think that Name!
Lurching to his feet, he grabs the leather jacket lying on the floor and staggers to the door, wrenching it open.
The sun chooses that moment to burst out of the water, a blood-red globe escaping from the smothering blackness of the waves, blasting the dark of the sky with purifying fire.
Briefly, he’s dazzled by the sunlight. For a moment, he cowers before it, hands held out as if in supplication.
His thoughts are a confused muddle of defiance and pleading.
Welcome, Light of God! Come, sear me, burn me, reduce me to ashes. If only I could be cleansed so easily.
With a shudder, he steps onto the porch and pulls the door shut, locks it and tosses the key into the hedge.
Let whoever comes after me hunt for it.
The Testarossa is waiting outside the ornamental metal fence.
Usually, the car seeks the sanctuary of the garage, its haven against the salt air that pits the satin of its blood-red hide.
Last night, he didn’t care about the ’Rossa’s welfare. He skidded it into the fence. There’s a deep gash in the right fender, ripping through paint and undercoat, a corresponding bend in the guardian chain-link, a dent in the still opened door.
The headlights are still on. Damn it! Battery’s probably dead.
He tosses the jacket inside, turns for a single moment to stare back at the house.
One last look.
Goodbye, cruel world.
God, it’s so melodramatic. He can hardly keep from laughing, or is that just the pot finally kicking in?
Without warning, the wind blows off the water, bitter with early-morning cold. It swirls around him, whipping the long black hair across his face. One strand tangles in the ring dangling from his left earlobe, ruffling the ends of the beaded headband tied to keep it out of his eyes.
He shrugs and gets into the car.
One more joint for the road?
Why the Hell not? So he’s smoked—how many—during the night? One more isn’t going to matter. He still isn’t high enough to bury the pain.
Or the memories.
He takes a deep breath, sucking in the acrid smoke greedily, and holds it several seconds before letting it trickle out the corner of his mouth. Where to go? What to do? What the fuck does it matter? Who’s going to care?
All he wants to do now is escape.
Perhaps…to die?
He has the answer.
Digging into the pocket of his jeans, he retrieves a quarter.
What a joke. Eighty thousand in his bank account, eight hundred bills in his wallet, a credit card with a ten thousand dollar limit, but all he has in his pocket is one miserable, little twenty-five cent piece. Is that irony or what?
Tossing the quarter into the air, he catches it and slaps it onto his wrist, then sits there, one hand clasping the back of the other, afraid to look.
Heads, he’ll drive South, down the Pacific Coast Highway.
There are two hair-pin curves between here and the beach. The early morning fog is rising off the water, creeping over the road. Already it‘s beginning to hide the cliff edge from sight. In a few minutes, visibility will be absolutely nonexistent.
With this much pot and alcohol in him, he’ll never made the first curve. He and the ’Rossa will do a beautiful and momentarily exhilarating swan-dive over the Pacific before smashing onto the rocks below and, with a little luck, what’s left will be washed out to sea and oblivion.
But there’s always Tails. If he should be that unlucky, he’ll head East.
Away from here, from this life, and just keep on driving until he runs out of money or gas, whichever comes first.
“Here goes nothing.”
He flips the coin, catches it and slaps it onto his wrist.
He takes a deep breath and lifts his hand, and begins to laugh, low, shaky, full of relief.
The back of the coin.
To Escape.
He tosses the remains of the blunt out the window, and starts the ’Rossa’s engine. The spinning wheels toss sand into the air like an obscene parting gesture as he drives away, past the guard at the gate, flicking a finger in greeting—and farewell, though the man doesn’t know it yet.
Out of the Dream Factory and its make-believe life....
...but not its memory.
COLLAPSELinda Tonis on Paranormal Romance Guild wrote:On a cruise Melissa bonds with an older man, Travis, who turns out to be a famous celebrity in hiding from a once successful life. But by degrees we become aware that his enormous success came at the price of bonding with demonic forces. Although he later rejected these dark powers in favor of a return to sanity and anonymity, such eternal entities simply are not going to forget him. Librarian Melissa, who as a youngster worshipped the former rock god and movie star Travis in his first incarnation as Hildebrand, comes to accept the reborn Travis as he is, and she becomes his ticket back to full life and normality. While he hides the truth from her as long as he can, he truly loves her and believes he’s doing best by keeping her in the dark about his past.
The novel slowly builds moods of romance and horror, beginning as a love story with a just a tiny drop of evil in the background. But as the characters continue to develop though excellent dialog and effortlessly-sketched psychic interaction, the percentage of romance to horror starts uneasily… shifting … and finally we’re confronted by a flat-out horror novel, its unconventional story arc challenging our expectations of an easy, plot-driven vanquishing of raw evil.
Flashbacks are necessary and clearly labeled as such. The novel captures the many moods of Melissa adjusting to her future with Travis as she moves from her urban life to a horse farm in Nebraska, juxtaposed with the chronicle of Travis’ long journey though darkness and his struggle back towards the light. As troubling new hints of something seriously amiss begin to mount, Melissa and Travis strive for unity and love even as they make mistakes … sometimes serious mistakes.
Serpent’s Tooth accelerates to a shocking conclusion and one can only hope there’s a continuation of this story, some new life for Melissa and Travis. The reader must be curious as to how the couple might manage to go on. But then again, you just can’t trust those junior varsity demons who have so much at stake here!
5 Stars
I have read a good many of Ms. Sweeney's books, liked some, loved some and disliked some. All I can say is that I absolutely loved this one, it had me hooked from the first page and I couldn't put it down. I tend to read a book a day and every once in a while a book just captivates me, this was one of those books.
Melissa Powers has decided to take a three week cruise and never expects it will change her life forever. On board the ship she meets Travis Brandt, a rancher from Nebraska, a man who she feels she knows. She suddenly realizes that he is the missing actor and rock star known as Hildebrand. Twenty years earlier Hildebrand disappeared; after many years he was pronounced dead. Obviously the report of his death was premature.
Their shipboard romance turns into much more when Travis asks Melissa to marry him. The one thing that Travis is adamant about is that he does not want children. Not now, not ever. Why?
The book flashes back in time to when Travis was living the life of Hildebrand, actor and rock star who was also a drug and alcohol user and womanizer. We watch as his agent, Della, corrupts his very soul and turns him to satanism. As Hildebrand, Travis is totally involved in the darker side of humanity. He is supposedly the Chosen One, but at one point he turns against the coven and becomes just plan Travis again. Can he really get away from the Devil? Why has the coven not come after him for twenty years? Can his desire not to have children have anything to do with the Devil?
Melissa and Travis are adults, he is fifty-one and she is forty-one, but you are never too old to find love and happiness, and they seem to have found both. But, how long can it last? Can Travis really get away from his dark side? When Melissa becomes pregnant, Hildebrand's past comes back with a vengeance. Can he save the ones he loves? Good against evil. Will evil win this time?
There are so many twists and turns and Travis' fight for his soul is great. The love story is beautifully written, a love story about two people both in the middle of their lives fighting a battle that has been waged over and over, the fight between Heaven and Hell.
As for the ending I never saw it coming.