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Shadows of Insurrection

by Vanessa MacLaren-Wray

Shadows of Insurrection - Vanessa MacLaren-Wray - The Unremembered King
Part of the The Unremembered King series:
Editions:Hardcover: $ 28.99
Size: 6.00 x 9.00 in
Pages: 353
Paperback: $ 18.99
Size: 6.00 x 9.00 in
Pages: 350
Kindle: $ 4.99

There’s a kettle of rotten fish on the fire … and the stink’s about to get worse. – Jeskan proverb

Once in a generation, the matriarchs of Jeska choose a new king to manage the government and command the Guard — protecting Jeskans from crime, invaders, and insurgency. Corren's been training for that job since he was six, but this is an unsettled time: rumors of strange incursions, grumbling discontent, and increasing brigandry.

Corren’s own problems are multiplying. His father, a skeptical shaman, has gone missing, His polyamorous foster-brother keeps interfering with his personal and professional business. And the king needs him to track down the conspirators behind a simmering insurrection.

When a strange woman turns up wearing a shaman’s cape, speaking a weird language, and hiding knowledge that doesn’t belong in this world, all his plans will have to change.

Publisher: Water Dragon Publishing
Cover Artists:
Series Type: Continuous / Same Characters
Series Type: Continuous / Same Characters

About the Author

Vanessa MacLaren-Wray writes stories and poems, makes robots and photographs, and works towards a more climate-safe energy paradigm. She grew up in a peripatetic military family, experiencing First Contact with strange beings and new worlds as a regular part of life. When she discovered science fiction magazines hidden in her grandmother’s attic, Vanessa finally felt she had arrived home.

Vanessa earned an engineering Ph.D., launching a thirty-year career in energy systems analysis while writing in her spare time. Often the only woman on a project, she never lost touch with the outsider’s viewpoint, using her insights to bridge such divides. A few years ago, Vanessa reshuffled priorities, keeping involved in the energy field, but shifting into high gear on story-telling. Not surprisingly, people coping with their differences is a recurring element in her work.