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Book Covers By Deranged Doctor Design

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Word Count: 115200

Summary: In an Alternative Victorian London, England has a new queen--she just happens to be undead. Dr. Nettie Jones is a new agent for The Society for the Exploration of the Unexplainable, a secret organization protecting England from unnamed sources. Being half-vampire is an added complication. The Society doesn't yet appreciate Nettie but fate steps in when invaders from a dying planet begin following her the same day Queen Victoria chooses to be turned into a vampire. Things become dangerously interwoven when Nettie discovers that a supposed accident was in fact an act of betrayal by one of the agents of the Society. The first shot in a larger conspiracy Nettie and her fellow Society agents must pull together to thwart the alien invaders, fight off the vampire infestation, and rescue the Queen from becoming the longest ruling undead monarch, even if that rescue is against her will. Grab some tea and download Nettie's gaslamp adventure today!

A Curious Invasion - Marie Andreas - Adventures of Smith and Jones
A Curious Invasion

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: Long lost Egyptian gods and goddess. Killer curses. Nettie, Caden, Gaston, and the rest of her friends from the Society of the Unexplainable have survived deadly aliens from the skies, murderous mermaids, and far more. When the Society begins to question some heritage left behind by Nettie's vampire mother, and wants to bring Nettie in for study, Gaston realizes that the Society can't be trusted. Then a rogue Runner, one of the alien beings who work for the Society, is discovered within Gaston's mansion with murderous intent. And the Society claims that none of their Runners are missing. An attack by creatures out of Egypt's past, and no support from the Society’s headquarters, leaves the group in London on their own. Now they face their biggest threat ever on their own--deadly creatures, Egyptian deities, and the spirits of pharaohs coming back to claim what they left thousands of years ago. And, they don't only want Egypt this time.

An Intrigue of Pharaohs - Marie Andreas - Adventures of Smith and Jones
An Intrigue of Pharaohs

Word Count: 114000

Summary: A Slow Burn Meet Cute! Baker. Wizard. God of Space and Time. Cupcake enthusiast. How long will it take to fan the flames and enrage this gentle phoenix? Start counting. What's a wounded and lonely little cinnamon roll to do? Stripped of his psychic powers, Calico Winghorse flees his homeworld and travels to 19th century Earth via his inter-dimensional portal. As a mixed-blood phoenix trapped in human form, he opens a bakery in the San Francisco Bay Area and quietly nurses his wounds. But the unique method of his arrival draws the unwanted attention of Infinity Corporation. Representing this angelic-run company is Agustin Chavez de la Cruz, the Demon Lord of California. Even though Agustin is IC's heir, he finds himself demoted from his duties to concentrate on his new assignment: take absolute control of Calico's portal. But Calico refuses to sell at any price. He is also very busy ensuring that the good people of the city are getting their fill of baked goods. Before Agustin can formulate a more gracious avenue of acquiring the gateway, the demanding head of IC interferes, further complicating matters. So as negotiations stumble along, Calico and Agustin come to realize they both want more than a stuffy business arrangement. However, due to Calico's injuries, the portal remains vulnerable to the darker forces that want it at any cost. Agustin will have to push both his angelic heritage, as well as his own psychic powers to the very limits to heal this sweet baker, who is also the portal world's God of Space and Time. The Demon Lord of California is the first book of an LGBTQ+ paranormal-fantasy series. You won't want to miss a first love found, hidden worlds, and a recovering workaholic grasping at his second chance. All centered around the control of an otherworldly portal. So curl up with your favorite beverage, and hang out with Cal and Gus for a while. You'll be happy you did!

The Demon Lord of California - Bennu Bright
The Demon Lord of California

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: Roni works in her family bookstore and soon learns that Grandma and Grandma's two pals have been saving the universe for decades. But it's hard to keep that up with a bad back and arthritis. They have a simple solution, though -- train Roni to take over. Tossed into a new reality that she never expected, Roni must decide if she will step up and join the team or forever leave behind all she has learned and all she cares about. Oh, and she’ll have to save the universe, too.

The Infinity Caverns - Stuart Jaffe
The Infinity Caverns

Word Count: 105600

Summary: Never trust mer-folk! Dr. Nettie Jones is an agent for The Society for the Exploration of the Unexplainable, a secret organization protecting England from unnamed sources. She also recently helped defend Mother England, and possibly the world, from an alien invasion. And she’s half-vampire on her mother’s side. While working in the London Society headquarters, Nettie becomes caught up in a new conspiracy—one coming from the ocean itself. Tracing the attacks to a small area in Northern Wales, Nettie and the rest of the London contingent troop north to try and stop it before things get worse. Fairy tales tell of loving mermaids wishing to come to the land. The truth is far more brutal, and the mer-people want far more than just to come on land for a visit. Join the second adventure in an alternative world where things aren't always what they seem.

The Mayhem of Mermaids - Marie Andreas - Adventures of Smith and Jones
The Mayhem of Mermaids