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Sci Fi - Aliens Genre

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Word Count: Information not available

Summary: In 2048 BCE, the ancient Egyptian ruler Mentuhotep II of the Upper Kingdom of Mizraim campaigns to overtake the Lower Kingdom and become Supreme Pharaoh of all Egypt. At the same time, the last few Bor-ak survivors of the destroyed Red Planet, which the Egyptians called Horus, were coming for one last fly-by of the Blue Planet, before heading out of the solar system, searching for new worlds to inhabit. Mentuhotep saw the arrival of the Eye of Horus as a sign that the gods favoured his campaign and implored the Bor-ak to destroy his enemies. Meanwhile, his beautiful daughter Princess Iset has fallen for humble soldier Achillas and Mentuhotep plans to thwart the undesirable union. Would the Bor-ak side with Mentuhotep in his military campaign and efforts to dissuade Princess Iset?

2048 BCE - The Eye of the Horus - Derek Beaugarde
2048 BCE The Eye of Horus

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: Seven stories of the gap year for the Children of Amargosa between Storming Amargosa and Suicide Run: Tishla must decide if Hanar can accommodate a group of socially inept sentient turtles. JT Austin has a ghost. Eric Yuwono must deal with his former enemies, who are now refugees on Amargosa. Davra Andraste tries to save a group of mean girls in space. Connor Duffy hacks the Boston sewer system. Ellie Nardino ponders her future, which might include terraforming. Mitsuko Yamato confronts squid people

After Amargosa - TS Hottle
After Amargosa

Word Count: 44756

Summary: After Adil and Esihle met on a space station orbiting alien refugee Esihle's home planet of Yalaphor, their relationship of lust and intensity gradually blossomed into love. Now on Yalaphor, the two care for Sehthe, a young girl who has been orphaned by the same war that cast Esihle out of his home. To keep their new family safe, Esihle and Adil must come face to face with the worst of Yalaphor, each other, and themselves. This heartfelt follow-up to Storm Caywood's debut novella Alien Hands is emotional and sexy, exploring how two beings from different worlds fit together and forge a life together while facing extreme obstacles. Alien Eyes continues a story of redemption and love as it moves from sparks flying on a space station in isolation to domestic life on another planet.

Alien Eyes - Storm Caywood
Alien Eyes

Word Count: 30884

Summary: Adil Raif is a relief-effort doctor on a space station orbiting a war-torn planet. Disconnected from life on Earth, he’s looking for sex, adventure, relief from boredom--anything but love. Esihle Queran is an alien refugee on the station who never tells the whole truth. He’s given up on ever returning to his planet, and knows that love is for other, better men. But then, the two meet... Adil and Esihle's relationship is one of intensity and lust. Can they find their way home together?

Alien Hands - Storm Caywood
Alien Hands

Word Count: 80,0-00

Summary: MIKE CHRISTOPHER RETURNS TO EARTH TO BATTLE AN OLD NEMESIS! Mike Christopher, an artificial Human spurned and abused by much of Earth society, left Earth to become a Galactic explorer. Now, 25 years later, he returns to battle the Jenregar, an alien enemy he's fought before. But the key to defeating the alien threat also presents a soul-crushing moral dilemma!

All Human Things - Dave Creek

Word Count: 70000

Summary: Ray M. Holler is an interstellar shipping freelancer, expert smuggler, and an occasional thief with a troubled past which means that his life is far from the boring, mundane exploits of your average denizen of the Orion-Sagittarius Union, a political alliance of intelligent species inhabiting the Milky Way galaxy. In fact, more often than not, he finds himself up to his neck in situations that require wit, courage, and a decent amount of luck to maneuver out of in one piece. Throughout his adventures in a universe where a safe, peaceful life is possible but not guaranteed, Ray gets to meet a variety of interesting individuals, make new friends, reunite with old acquaintances, and maybe—just maybe—face his own demons. All Quiet In the Milky Way: Ray M. Holler’s Adventures vol. 1 brings forth five stories, accompanied by an equal amount of side vignettes. This collection will take you on an exciting journey to remote worlds that, in some aspects, may not be all that dissimilar from the one we live in today.

All Quiet in the Milky Way - Martin Lochman - R.M. Holler's Adventures
All Quiet in the Milky Way

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: It's her first job...and it's already going wrong. Freshly graduated from university with a degree in engineering, Crystal approaches her placement on the wormhole-constructive ship Crossing Paths with nothing but enthusiasm. But while Crystal gets used to the ins and outs of a multispecies, multicultural ship, tension brews both at work and back home. Not murdering her coworker Jai is hard enough; the last thing she needs are the terrifying errors cropping up on her maps. Reality and space are either tearing themselves apart - or someone else is attacking them. With conspiracies lurking everywhere, friendship won't be enough to see her through these dangerous new problems... Fans of Becky Chambers' Wayfarers series will enjoy this sometimes joyful, sometimes dark personal adventure set in a world of politics, bureaucracy - and piracy.

And the Stars Will Sing - Michelle Browne - Meaning Wars
And The Stars Will Sing

Word Count: 7000

Summary: Half a century before Ray M. Holler sets off for the stars for the first time, a chance encounter near Neptune forever changes not only the course of human history but that of the entire Galaxy. Colonel Milan Pavel is a highly decorated officer in the Visegrád Union Navy, serving his last few months in command of the Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk, the flagship of the VU’s Third Fleet. When an alien ship appears near Neptune, he initially dismisses it as an elaborate pre-retirement prank by his crew, but he is quickly proven wrong. The situation escalates rapidly as it turns out that the ship is on the run from a powerful enemy who is not far behind. Colonel Pavel has a decision to make: Either follow protocol and leave the aliens to their cruel fate, or risk his ship and crew in an attempt to save them.

And the Universe Opened Up - Martin Lochman
And the Universe Opened Up

Word Count: 67000

Summary: Androids & Aliens is Scott's third short story collection - eight sci fi and sci-fantasy shorts that run the gamut from cyborgs to (comedic) alien invasions: Rise: The rise in sea levels caused by climate change swallowed Venice beneath the lagoon half a century ago. But what if we could bring it back? Ping: I was a real estate agent by day, and a museum curator in the evening at a sci-fi museum. What I saw one night changed everything. What the Rain Brings: Miriam struggles to make a living in post-climate-change Vancouver. But her friend Catalina has it even worse in the Arizona desert. So Miri hatches a plan. High Seven: Zan dreams of making full reals - immersive live virtual reality skins - but his low score may doom him to a life of cheap coding. Full Real: Dek's given up his life of spying for the city. But one more case awaits him. Will he regret it more if he takes it, or turns it down? Shit City: The Bay Area is being walloped by a hurricane, and seventeen-year-old Jason Vasquez has been relocated to a refugee city in the Nevada Desert. Will it be temporary shelter, or change his life? Firedrake: Kerry has always wondered about his deadly powers. But a mysterious bunch of violet roses starts him on the path to discovery - even if he's not sure he's going to like what he finds. The Last Human Heart: I'm one of the Remainers, the few cyborg humans still living on this busted planet. But if my still-human heart finally gives out, I may not live to find out the truth about who I am. This is the first time all of these stories have all been collected in one place, and the first publication of the Pacific Climate Tryptich - What the Rain Brings, High Seven, and Full Real - in any form.

Androids & Aliens - J. Scott Coatsworth
Androids & Aliens

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: Ardulum. The planet that vanishes. The planet that sleeps. Neek makes a living piloting the dilapidated tramp transport, Mercy’s Pledge, and smuggling questionable goods across systems blessed with peace and prosperity. She gets by—but only just. In her dreams, she is still haunted by thoughts of Ardulum, the traveling planet that, long ago, visited her homeworld. The Ardulans brought with them agriculture, art, interstellar technology…then disappeared without a trace, leaving Neek’s people to worship them as gods. Neek does not believe—and has paid dearly for it with exile from her home for her heretical views. Yet, when the crew stumbles into an armed confrontation between the sheriffs of the Charted Systems and an unknown species, fate deals Neek an unexpected hand in the form of a slave girl—a child whose ability to telepathically manipulate cellulose is reminiscent of that of an Ardulan god. Forced to reconcile her beliefs, Neek chooses to protect her, but is the child the key to her salvation, or will she lead them all to their deaths?

Ardulum First Don - J. S. Fields - Ardulum
Ardulum: First Don

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: Ardulum. The planet of myth. The planet of unwanted destiny. The Charted Systems are in pieces. Mercy’s Pledge is destroyed, and her captain dead. With no homes to return to, the remaining crew sets off on a journey to find the mythical planet of Ardulum—a planet where Emn might find her people, and Neek the answers she’s long sought. Finding the planet, however, brings a host of uncomfortable truths about Ardulum’s vision for the galaxy and Neek’s role in a religion that refuses to release her. Neek must balance her planet’s past and the unchecked power of the Ardulans with a budding relationship and a surprising revelation about her own genealogy. Ardulum: Second Don blends space opera elements and hard science into a story about two women persistently bound to their past and a sentient planet determined to shape their future.

Ardulum Second Don - J. S. Fields - Ardulum
Ardulum: Second Don

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: The planet wakes. Atalant is torn between two worlds. In uncharted space—head of a sentient planet—the new Eld of Ardulum now leads the religion she once rejected. Emn is by her side but the Mmnnuggl war brewing in the Charted Systems—threatening her homeworld of Neek—cannot be ignored. Atalant must return to the planet that exiled her in order to lead the resistance. She must return home a god, a hypocrite, a liar in gold robes, and decide whether to thrust her unwilling people into the truth of Ardulum, or play the role she has been handed and never see her family, or her world, again.

Ardulum Third Don - J. S. Fields - Ardulum
Ardulum: Third Don

Word Count: 125000

Summary: Taking shelter from a sudden rainstorm, Ardyn of the Athla’naa finds a strange object, inscribed with the ancient writing of his people. Except, it’s all wrong. The artifact is made of a metal he’s never seen before, not even among the metal-forging Medellans. What’s even stranger? Whenever he touches the object, the inscription glows. In a quest to seek the truth behind this discovery, Ardyn meets Jevan, a Medellan trader. They risk both their lives and the tenuous truce between their people by venturing deep into forbidden woods, known as the Aria'una. What Jevan and Ardyn discover could change their world forever. Before they can decide what to do, hunters bring them before the Athla’naa Triumvirate, who are intent on making an example of them for daring to trespass in the Aria'una. Will they face the consequences of their defiance or risk everything to flee and expose the truth?

Artifact of the Dawn - Grayson Bell - Cycles of Revelation
Artifact of the Dawn

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: The Fantastical Romances You’ve Been Craving Hugo Finalist Janice L. Newman presents a touching trio of romances in a speculative vein. From the edge of space, to the shadows of the paranormal, to the marvels of the mystic: At First Contact: A germaphobe and an android are assigned a mission to survey a planet together. Will they discover new life or a new love? Ghosted: Leo is searching for the soul that used to haunt his grandmother’s house. Did Will ghost him? A Touch of Magic: What if love could alter the fabric of existence? A fraught romance between two teachers just might be helped along by a touch of magic.

At First Contact - Janice L. Newman
At First Contact

Word Count: 73000

Summary: ::The Seignso have our own plans for the remains of Genghis Khan.:: Alien warmongers have cloned an ancient emperor to lead an unstoppable army. Gifted with superhuman powers and advanced technology, he sets his sights on his home planet, Earth, and then... the stars! However, countermeasures have already been set in place. A young Iowa farm boy, oblivious to his powers or destiny, is thrust into a battle that will decide the fate of humanity against the new and improved Genghis Khan! A thrilling, interstellar adventure from the author of The Weller and War of the Worlds: Goliath!

Birthright - Adam J. Whitlatch - The Temikom Saga

Word Count: 77,000

Summary: Ellie Nardino finds a dazed and confused man wandering the forests of Amargosa's tundra. They soon learn he is the stricken former president of the Compact. To find out what happened to him, they will smuggle him to a clinic inside the Compact. Ellie is tasked with escorting the former president and Tishla, now working as a genetic researcher in an off-the-books mission. When their pilot betrays them, they'll have to survive a lawless colony to keep him away from those who want to kill him.

Breaking Liberty - TS Hottle - Suicide Arc
Breaking Liberty

Word Count: 117,600

Summary: The Action Packed Conclusion to the Peridot Shift Trilogy Peridot is on the edge of annihilation. Once life-giving, the world’s Trade Winds are transforming people into soulless monsters. The surviving Alchemist gods neglect their followers or take advantage of them. Even worse, a delicate peace has been wasted, and everything and everyone is at stake, especially Meran, the mistreated embodiment of the planet. Captain Talis and the crew of Fortune’s Storm must try to do some good with what’s left of Peridot in the hope that, together, they’ll reclaim the hidden pieces of Meran’s soul before the chaos seals her disastrous fate.

Cast Off - RJ Theodore - Peridot Shift
Cast Off

Word Count: 112,000

Summary: Chanda Kasmira devotes years of her life and career to saving the inhabitants of the planet Splendor from the planet's coming destruction. Her latest effort fails. Life on Splendor faces more danger than ever before. Disheartened, Chanda places herself into a "long sleep," intending to awaken decades later to a brighter future for Splendor and its people. She doesn't. Instead, an even more difficult path lies ahead after CHANDA'S AWAKENING.

Chanda's Awakening - Dave Creek

Word Count: 75400

Summary: JT Austin. Hero of Amargosa's liberation. One of the Children of Amargosa. Now a Navy pilot. Serving with his comrade, Mitsuko Yamato, aboard the Queen Maria Sophia, he is handed what should be a milk run: Retrieve Lt. Cmdr. Edward Windsor from his garrison on a remote – and smelly – planet as he has just become king of Bonaparte, the Compact's only planetwide monarchy. However, an unknown attacker disables the Sophie, boards the ship with killer mechs, and sends JT with the new king and his entourage fleeing their ship. He will have to talk fast to make a deal with the enemy Gelt, summon his mentor Suicide for help, and get the king to safety. He will also discover he has at least one traitor in his midst. He will also discover his surrogate mother has a secret that will shatter his world.

Checkmate - T.S. Hottle

Word Count: 197000

Summary: Saving a life can change the course of history. Destin is torn away from his chicks and his bonded when the Terrens invade Aries 7. Experimented on in Terren labs, and made to work their mines, the GyrFalconi struggle to survive. Destin becomes their caretaker, endeavoring to save as many as possible, despite the emotional toll. Amidst the battle for survival, the universe shines on him and he bonds with not one but four people who give him a reason to keep fighting. When Valespia sends its Legions to the GyrFalconi’s aid, Destin and his bonded are eventually freed, only to face new cruelties from their own people. Freedom comes with its own trials, though, as a divide forms in GyrFalconi society between the winged and the wingless. Destin and his bonded are given a chance at true happiness and they keep what they claim, no matter what. Tags: The Twenty-Year War where Terrens really mucked things up, so many hatchlings, Love not Lust (yes, using caps there seemed necessary), survivors, bisexual characters, all the cute hatchlings, talking to spirits, low heat, protective chantelle, evil empress, courageous stags, polyamorous, Destin keeps collecting bonded, avian species screech... a lot, non-human ace spectrum characters, found family, underestimated batore, so many stags, Mar'Sani mentor, did I mention the cutest chicks ever? CHERISH is the fourth book in the award-winning Valespian Pact series. Trigger warnings can be found in the Author’s Note. Please download a sample of this book or use the Look Inside feature. 196,000 words.

Cherish - Lexi Ander
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