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AJ White

I’ve done a whole range of different things over many years. One day in 2020, having just finished reading a book and unable to find another that I fancied, I took up a notepad and pen and the strangest thing happened – a book poured out. Where it came from, who knows. It was the start of the long but very enjoyable process of getting The Key of Ornoss published. I hope you enjoy it and part two, The Rod of Xerus, which was published in 2022.

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Books By AJ White

Word Count: 80000

Summary: Wounded, betrayed and alone, Cal has escaped to Tarquis, losing everything… again. In Sanquous, dark forces are mustering as it edges closer to all out war. Their leader missing, the Ilfannde face the wrath of the Draguul and their tyrannical High Priest. If ever there was a time for a saviour to arise, it’s now. The question is, will she?

The Road of Xerus - AJ White - Tome of Báirseach
The Rod of Xerus

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: Everyone knows fifteen year old Cal doesn’t fit in, especially Cal. When a mysterious encounter with the handsome, extraordinary Drue catapults Cal into a strange and different world, fitting in isn’t a problem but survival will be. Can Cal stay alive long enough on Sanquous to battle the evil Draguul Priesthood and rescue Drue?

The Key of Ornoss - AJ White
The Key of Ornoss