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Jo Sisk-Purvis

Jo Sisk-Purvis is an eclectic, enthusiastic, jump-in-feet-first creator, which means “scattered,” but sounds more impressive. Her STEM-rich childhood led to a sensible three degrees in flute performance, with sides of composition, piano, and conducting. Jo has been a storyteller since she first learned that “Quack Quack knows that he’s in luck, for he’s a very special duck.” For many years, she told her stories through music, but in 2010 decided that maternity leave was the perfect time to start writing novels (and adopt a puppy), and has been hooked ever since (on writing. Also puppies).

Jo’s short stories have been published in Cricket Magazine, and she is excited to share her “The Trekana” series through Evolved Publishing. She teaches music at a wonderful Friends school that not only allows, but encourages, her quirky detours (they call them “diverse talents”). She music-directs for several theatre companies in central North Carolina, where she lives with her husband, three children, a menagerie of pets, and a high level of chaos.

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Books By Jo Sisk-Purvis

Word Count: 99000

Summary: Watchers’ eyes track a miles-distant bird. Listeners’ ears hear a whisper a village away. ​Knowers, extinct for 500 years, possessed telepathic powers straight out of a nightmare. Alesea’s sole extraordinary trait is her musical talent. But when Watchers invade her tiny island on the night of her professional debut, she’s the only one who escapes—unwittingly using the powers of a Knower. Now, it’s up to her to save her people while coming to grips with her dangerous new identity, her pacifist beliefs, and only a traitor to help her.

The Watchers - Jo Sisk-Purvis
The Watchers