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Marie Vibbert

Nebula and Hugo Finalist Marie Vibbert has sold over 80 short stories to places like Nature, Analog, and F&SF. Her work has been translated into Vietnamese and Chinese, and has been called “..the embodiment of what science fiction should be…” by The Oxford Culture Review. Her debut novel, Galactic Hellcats, was longlisted by the British Science Fiction Association for 2021. Her short story, Things from Our Kitchen Junk Drawer That Could Save This Spaceship, made the Hugo long list in 2022. By day she is a computer programmer in Cleveland, Ohio.

Marie is also a member of the Science Fiction Poetry Association, SFPA. She was nominated for their Rhysling Award in 2015, 2021, and 2022, won second place in the Hessler Street Fair poetry contest, and once sold a rhyming poem to a magazine that had “no rhyming poetry” in their guidelines.

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Books By Marie Vibbert

Word Count: 80000

Summary: If the Gods were real, could you believe? Hitra, high priestess of Revestre, already has enough on her hands: political upheaval, a distractingly attractive male servant, and an upcoming harvest festival. But when a column of flame from the heavens sends a city into tumult, it upends more than just her schedule. Now, Hitra must deal with a religious schism, ethnic strife…and a God growing out of control.

The Gods Awoke - Marie Vibbert
The Gods Awoke