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No Demons But Us: Sister Seekers 1

A Polyamorous Dark Epic Fantasy

by A.S. Etaski

My sister deserved her death, but I didn't kill her. The infamous Sisterhood couldn't care less - it's the perfect excuse to make their move.

My name is Sirana. I am a young Noble trapped in a most wretched spot: accused of assassinating my sister, the Matron's heir. If I take the blame, I am next on the sacrificial altar.

Dark Elves live for intrigue in our underground matriarchy. We bend the rules for the cunning and the bold. To survive, I must play the game.

Court intrigue, demonic rituals, and mind-rending trials against deadly foes surround me, pervasive webs spun by our sadistic priesthood and the Queen’s brutal enforcers.

Through it all, the Red Sisters delight in watching me. I must prove myself beneath their ravenous gazes, or I will become the next meal for our dark goddess.

A.S. Etaski spins the first threads of an intense and epic tale with No Demons But Us, in which the trials of a young Davrin Elf test her resolve to rise from the depths of fear and hatred tearing her down.

Sister Seekers is mature, dark epic fantasy with an ever-broadening scope. Found Family is a core theme throughout the saga, and fans of Dungeons & Dragons will discover homebrew grounds. Perfect for fans of entwined plots, challenging themes, elements of erotic horror, and immersive worldbuilding. Sexuality and inner conflict play into the character growth with nuance, intrigue, action, and fantastical magic.

The series begins underground with an isolated race of Dark Elves whose intricate webs first ensnare then catapult us to places a Red Sister can only imagine in her dreams.

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Cover Artists:
Tropes: Band of Brothers/Sisters, Becoming a Monster, Death by Sex, Enemy to Ally, Evolving Powers, Found Family, Hunted, Lucky Novice, Mirror Shows True Self, Psionic Powers, Secret Society, Sex Magic, Training, Wise Mentor
Word Count: 125650
Setting: Underground elven city
Languages Available: English
Series Type: Continuous / Same Characters
Tropes: Band of Brothers/Sisters, Becoming a Monster, Death by Sex, Enemy to Ally, Evolving Powers, Found Family, Hunted, Lucky Novice, Mirror Shows True Self, Psionic Powers, Secret Society, Sex Magic, Training, Wise Mentor
Word Count: 125650
Setting: Underground elven city
Languages Available: English
Series Type: Continuous / Same Characters

There was a knock at the door, and I was almost relieved at the sign of change.  The red warrior let her superior inside the room with us, providing a ritualized gesture of welcome and respect after the door was secured behind her.  The gesture seemed genuine, as far as I could tell; habitual, but not reluctant or ironic.

“Sirana Thalluensareci,” the leader said, announcing me before herself.  She wasn’t looking at me yet; she adjusted her gloves as if she had recently put them on.

“Yes, Red Sister,” I said obediently.

“I am an Elder, Third Daughter.  You will address me as such.”

“Yes, Elder Sister.”


This one wore a uniform slightly different than the warrior; from a distance, one wouldn't be able to tell she was the leader.  Up close, I could say it had seen less activity; it was less worn in places, and something about the cut of the body harness accentuated her breasts, lifted them up instead of flattened them down, and did so without exposing any skin.

Again, I met a Red Sister’s eyes—a much darker crimson than the light copper of the warrior—and I wasn’t punished for it.  Immediately.

The sorceress tilted her head this way and that as she stepped around my chair.  Her eyes seemed to scan the air touching my body, my gown, and my hair rather than my physical form.  After completing a circle, the Elder stood in front of me once again and reached out with her gloved hand to wrap it around my throat.

My pulse beat like the wings of a panicking moth trying to escape a spider’s web; somehow, I hadn’t expected a direct touch without so much as a question asked.  My throat closed as it had whenever I had wanted to speak out against Jilrina, and it hurt.  I worried that the compulsion had returned, there was no stomachache or headache or bright lights before my eyes.

“Residual effects,” the Elder commented.  “A recent dispelling.  What spell, Sirana?  And who lifted it?”

I quivered like a tiny burrower beneath a hunter’s paw.  I’d already looked down voluntarily.  This wasn’t an interrogation I might have imagined in the lengthy time I'd waited in my chair.  She never asked me what I thought happened to Jilrina, where I was when she died, who was my witness, and so on.  The Elder asked directly about a magical compulsion being gone; one that my own Matron hadn’t known about.

Yet this sorceress could see its recent passing.  It was a spell that gave me undeniable motive to murder a First Daughter, and the incentive to assassinate a family member.

A Sister Killer, as Kaltra claimed.

I didn’t kill her.  I didn’t push her.

Reviews:Shane Starrett - -USA Today Bestelling Author on GoodReads wrote:

"One of a few books which creates a matriarchal world and does it right. The strength of the women portrayed is not just 'male characteristics' slapped onto characters with female names, but each one is given a personality that is not only unique to them but reads so true to a distinctly female perspective."

CJ Aggett, Host of Writing Community Chat Show on The Writing Community Chat Show wrote:

"I got to interview her and find out about her awesomely ambitious series ... I found it easy to read and I could tell that this story is unique."

Simon, patron on Amazon review wrote:

"The Deep Earth is more dangerous than we ever dreamed. Blade and claw collide as magic permeates the bloody ground. Etaski's writing is nuanced and thoughtful, her characters are deliberate and resourceful. This is the dark fantasy you want to read.

Ro'portho, Amazon Reviewer on Amazon wrote:

"I scoured the internet for more dark elf fantasy and they all came up short. I can definitely claim this world building to be at the pinnacle for dark elves. But it's not for the prudish."

Parker, Amazon Reviewer on Amazon wrote:

"It's a hell of a ride and very well done."

About the Author

Etaski writes mature epic fantasy with an ever-broadening scope. ​​​​​​​Inspired by table-top RPG, her stories weave through subgenres, so things never get stale. Found Family is a core theme throughout her world​​​​​​​.​​​​​​​ She adores sensual, subversive Dark Elves facing off with cunning demons, clever dragons causing trouble, and deadpan necromancers summoning the walking dead alongside dwarves in battle through high-stakes adventures.

Her series begins underground with an isolated race of Dark Elves. The beginning is not for the faint of heart, and perfect for fans of entwined plots, challenging themes, immersive worldbuilding, and elements of erotic horror. Sexuality and inner conflict play into character growth with nuance, intrigue, action, and fantastical magic.

Her most inspiring epic stories are Neil Gaiman's Sandman, Wendy Pini's ElfQuest, Melanie Rawn's Dragon Prince, and J. Michael Straczynski's Babylon 5.

Get the official Sister Seekers Prequel, "Sons to Keep," when you join Etaski's newsletter at her website!