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Apparitions of Elizabeth Robinson

by Jennie L. Morris

A story born in the hollers of Eastern Kentucky.

Elizabeth Robinson.

An Elizabeth Robinson has lived in the hills of Eastern Kentucky as long as people have built permanent settlements in the lush, green forests. While the mountains recover from the War of Northern Aggression, the simple folk seek the healings of the Robinson women. Three generations, working the ways from the old country, live in isolation.

The youngest Elizabeth Robinson, a healer by happenstance, despises her role in the family. She longs for freedom, the wilderness of her youth, an escape from a dark secret. Alone in the forest, she stumbles upon the ghost of a Yankee soldier, Samuel Henry.

Determined to help Samuel pass beyond the veil, Elizabeth brings him back to her mountain home. Turning of the wheel of fortune, prosperity changes to misfortune for the Robinsons, and a menacing figure lingers like a thick fog. Generations, built on lies, force Elizabeth to face a bleak reality and make the ultimate sacrifice.

Publisher: By Quill and Lantern Publishing
Cover Artists:
Tropes: Beyond the Grave Communication, Book of Spells, Burial Ground/Cemetary, Chosen One, Dark Enemy, Fellowship, I See Dead People, Immortality, Person in Distress, Reluctant Hero, Vengeful Spirit
Word Count: 20000
Setting: Kentucky, United States
Languages Available: English
Tropes: Beyond the Grave Communication, Book of Spells, Burial Ground/Cemetary, Chosen One, Dark Enemy, Fellowship, I See Dead People, Immortality, Person in Distress, Reluctant Hero, Vengeful Spirit
Word Count: 20000
Setting: Kentucky, United States
Languages Available: English

About the Author

As a self-proclaimed bibliophile and research geek, it's no wonder Jennie L. Morris writes romance and historical fiction with a flair for realism. Her love for learning led her to obtain degrees in Anthropology and Biology, which she often relies upon during writing. Coming from NE Ohio and raised on a small beef cattle farm, life was anything but ordinary growing up.

Jennie now resides in rural Kentucky, among the bluegrass and dazzling horse farms, with her amazing southern gentleman of a husband and their spoiled boxer pup Archie (Archibald Nubbintgon III). When she isn’t reading or writing, she feeds her tea obsession or perfume addiction, letting the scents and flavors fuel her creative fires.