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Writer Fuel: Could Microplastics Be Helping Cancer Spread?

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Microplastics may hang around in the body longer than scientists previously thought and may contribute to the spread of cancer when inside tumors, a lab-dish study suggests. The research has several limitations, however. For instance, the scientists used cancer cells grown in lab dishes, so it remains to be seen how the results apply to … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Why Do Space Headaches Happen?

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Spaceflight can be a real headache — literally. Since the days of the Apollo program, astronauts have reported experiencing head pain during their stint in microgravity. And many of them had never dealt with recurrent headaches on Earth. It seems that something about space travel sometimes triggers migraine or tension headache–like symptoms, including pain, sensitivity … Read more

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Writer Fuel: The Theory of “Emergent Gravity,” Explained

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In 2009, theoretical physicist Erik Verlinde proposed a radical reformulation of gravity. In his theory, gravity is not a fundamental force but rather a manifestation of deeper hidden processes. But in the 15 years since then, there hasn’t been much experimental support for the idea. So where do we go next? Emergence is common throughout … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Check Out This SHMT: New Technique Could Speed Existing Devices, Cut Power Use

computer chip

A new approach to computing could double the processing speed of devices like phones or laptops without needing to replace any of the existing components. Modern devices are fitted with different chips that handle various types of processing. Alongside the central processing unit (CPU), devices have graphics processing units (GPUs), hardware accelerators for artificial intelligence … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Asteroid Bennu Contains Building Blocks of Life

his mosaic image of asteroid Bennu is composed of 12 PolyCam images collected on Dec. 2, 2018 by the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft from a range of 15 miles (24 km). NASA/Goddard/University of Arizona

Nearly four years after NASA’s OSIRIS-Rex spacecraft collected a sample from an asteroid, scientists are finally revealing the intriguing composition of the space rock. Among them, the near-Earth asteroid, known as Bennu, contains a surprising reservoir of a mineral called magnesium phosphate. These bright-white particles sprinkled in a sea of Bennu’s dark rocks is a … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Why Aren’t All Orbits Circular?

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Many maps of the solar system make it look as though everything in space moves in perfect, concentric circles. Planets orbit the sun, and moons orbit the planets. So that must be the case for everything in space, right? Not quite. Orbits form all sorts of shapes. “Planets and other bodies rarely go around in … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Giant Volcano Discovered Hiding In Plain Sight on Mars

Giant Volcano - Mars

Scientists have discovered a giant volcano on Mars that has been “hidden in plain sight” for more than 50 years. The volcano is around 280 miles (450 kilometers) wide and more than 29,600 feet (9,000 meters) high. It is located in the eastern part of Mars’ Tharsis volcanic province near the planet’s equator, scientists revealed … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Chinese Scientests Create Fastest Walking Humanoid Robot Yet

Unitree's H1 robot, called "Evolution V3.0"

A Chinese bipedal robot has set a new world speed record for a humanoid robot — and can maintain its balance when knocked off course. The newest version of Unitree’s H1 robot, called “Evolution V3.0”, is a bipedal robot that stands a little over 5 foot 11 inches (1.8 meters) tall and weighs less than … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Are “Unparticles” Pushing the Universe Apart?

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The ever-accelerating expansion of the universe may be driven by a mysterious form of matter called “unparticles,” which do not obey the Standard Model of particle physics, a new theoretical paper suggests. Scientists widely acknowledge that the universe is expanding, though the cause of that expansion remains elusive. One of the most popular proposed explanations … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Mars May Affect Our Climate – Every 2.4 Million Years

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Mars’ gravitational pull on Earth may be influencing the climate on our planet, new research hints. Geological evidence tracing back more than 65 million years and taken from hundreds of sites across the world suggests that deep-sea currents have repeatedly gone through periods of being either stronger or weaker. This happens every 2.4 million years … Read more