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Writer Fuel: What It’s Like to Fall Into a Black Hole

Black Hole simulation - NASA

Ever wondered what it would be like to fall into a black hole? A new NASA simulation has the answer — including the inevitable, crushing end. Researchers created the new simulation using the Discover supercomputer at the NASA Center for Climate Simulation. It shows a viewer plunging through the accretion disk of glowing gas around … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Japanese Company Plans to Help Clean Up Space Junk, But First – Photos!

space junk - astroscale

A private Japanese company has taken the world’s first close-up photo of an individual piece of space debris, by parking another satellite next to it in orbit. This orbital photo op is the first step in an ongoing mission to capture and destroy potentially hazardous pieces of space junk that are clogging up our sky. … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Was Mars Once Much More Like Earth?

Mars terraformed - deposit photos

A collection of rocks scattered on an ancient shoreline on Mars might indicate that the Red Planet was once far more Earth-like than scientists previously thought. The rocks, discovered by NASA’s Curiosity rover, are unusually rich in manganese oxide — a chemical that adds to growing evidence that the once-habitable Mars may have sported Earth-like … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Will 6G Run on Curving Rays of Light?

curving light waves - deposit photos

The future of cellular data transfer could lie in “curving” light beams midair to deliver 6G wireless networks with blazing-fast speeds — bypassing the need for line of sight between transmitter and receivers. In a new study published March 30 in the journal Nature’s Communications Engineering, researchers explained how they developed a transmitter that can … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Siberia’s Gateway to the Underworld

Batagay crater - NASA

The “gateway to the underworld,” a huge crater in Siberia’s permafrost, is growing by 35 million cubic feet (1 million cubic meters) every year as the frozen ground melts, according to a new study. The crater, officially known as the Batagay (also spelled Batagaika) crater or megaslump, features a rounded cliff face that was first … Read more

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Writer Fuel: 32 Weird Technological Ideas That Never Took Off

Monowheel - editorial use - Deposit Photos

We love outlandish ideas and companies that take risks — that, after all, is how science and technology progress. But with every success comes a dozen failures and that’s what this list celebrates. These are some ideas that could have been the next big thing: concepts that got backing but ultimately failed to take flight. … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Are We Already Mistreating AI Without Realizing It?

AI / Artificial Intelligence - deposit photos

Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly ubiquitous and is improving at an unprecedented pace. Now we are edging closer to achieving artificial general intelligence (AGI) — where AI is smarter than humans across multiple disciplines and can reason generally — which scientists and experts predict could happen as soon as the next few years. We … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Rare 1,000 Year-Old Wword “Excalibur” Found in Spain

A sword nicknamed Excalibur was found to date to the Islamic period of Spain during the 10th century. (Image credit: Valencia City Council Archaeology Service)

A rare sword nicknamed ”Excalibur” from the Spanish city of Valencia is 1,000 years old, meaning it was last wielded when much of Spain was controlled by Muslim rulers, new research reveals. The 18-inch-long (46 centimeters) iron sword was found in an upright position inside a grave in 1994, leading its finder to call it … Read more

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Writer Fuel: New “Manta Ray” Drone Glides Through Ocean Undetected

DARPA Manta Ray drone

Engineers have assembled an autonomous underwater drone that the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) plans to use for long-range missions in the ocean, pictures show. Dubbed “Manta Ray,” the drone is modeled after filter-feeding fish of the same name with diamond-shaped bodies and wing-like fins. The prototype, designed and built by the aerospace … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Is it Jupiter’s Fault We have the Moon?

Humans and the Moon - deposit photos

It would appear that the so-called “great instability” event that wreaked chaos among the planets, sending the gas giants careening through space until they settled into the orbits we know today, occurred between 60 and 100 million years after the birth of the solar system. This is the conclusion of some careful scientific detective work … Read more