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Writer Fuel: Are We Already Mistreating AI Without Realizing It?

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Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly ubiquitous and is improving at an unprecedented pace. Now we are edging closer to achieving artificial general intelligence (AGI) — where AI is smarter than humans across multiple disciplines and can reason generally — which scientists and experts predict could happen as soon as the next few years. We … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Bypassing Generative AI Safety Measures May Be Easier Than Previously Thought

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Scientists from artificial intelligence (AI) company Anthropic have identified a potentially dangerous flaw in widely used large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT and Anthropic’s own Claude 3 chatbot. Dubbed “many shot jailbreaking,” the hack takes advantage of “in-context learning,” in which the chatbot learns from the information provided in a text prompt written out by … Read more

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Writer Fuel: See the Robotic Future

1X's EVE robots work together in silence

Smiling humanoid robots have been shown to sort objects, drop off packages and even tidy up a child’s toys in eerie new footage. The near-silent video, released by robotics company 1X, shows dozens of the company’s EVE robots performing these various tasks in a large test environment that simulated office spaces and a living room. … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Can This AI Headset Induce Lucid Dreams

The Halo

A tech startup is building a headband that it claims can induce stabilized lucid dreaming in a wearer — letting them take control of their own dreamscapes. Prophetic described how its device, called “the Halo,” works in a post on X on Jan. 25. The headband will use an artificial intelligence (AI) platform dubbed “Morpheus-1” … Read more

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New Release: Spark & Tether – Lilian Zenzi

Spark & Tether - Lillian Zenzi

Lilian Zenzi has a new queer sci-fi romance out (nonbinary/pan/queer/gender-fluid): Spark & Tether. Working odd jobs across the Outer Ring gets a little lonely sometimes—not everyone loves having a synchronist with supraliminal perception around. But all Sacheri wants, he tells himself, is to wander the stars. Then he takes a salvage run to an abandoned moon … Read more

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Writer Fuel: AI Taught to Be Malicious Couldn’t be Retrained to Behave Again

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Artificial intelligence (AI) systems that were trained to be secretly malicious resisted state-of-the-art safety methods designed to “purge” them of dishonesty, a disturbing new study found. Researchers programmed various large language models (LLMs) — generative AI systems similar to ChatGPT — to behave maliciously. Then, they tried to remove this behavior by applying several safety … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Is True Artificial Intelligence Right Around the Corner?

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Artificial general intelligence (AGI) could be around the corner if Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg has any say in it. The Facebook founder announced on Instagram that he is dumping more than $10 billion into the computing infrastructure to develop AGI — AI that can match or surpass humans across a range of cognitively demanding tasks. … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Scientists Combine AI With a “Mini Brain”

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To boost the computing power of artificial intelligence (AI), researchers have combined run-of-the-mill machine learning with a sophisticated 3D model of the human brain made of different types of brain tissue grown in the lab. These miniature models of the brain, known as cerebral organoids or “minibrains,” have existed in various forms since 2013. But … Read more

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Writer Fuel: This AI Can Read Your Mind (Sort Of)

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Using only a sensor-filled helmet combined with artificial intelligence, a team of scientists has announced they can turn a person’s thoughts into written words. In the study, participants read passages of text while wearing a cap that recorded electrical brain activity through their scalp. These electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings were then converted into text using an … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Chinese Robo Chemist Could Extract Oxygen From Water on Mars

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Scientists in China have created a robot chemist powered by artificial intelligence (AI) that can extract oxygen from Martian water without human supervision. Synthesizing useful resources from local materials on Mars will be essential for humans’ survival on the Red Planet. Extracting oxygen from materials — in a process called oxygen evolution reaction (OER) — is particularly … Read more