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Writer Fuel: How Many Have Died in Space Programs, and How?

illustration of a space shuttle takeoff as seen from above, on a blaze of fire - deposit photos

Spaceflight is anything but safe, and the quest to explore the final frontier comes with huge risks for the astronauts leading the charge. But has spaceflight actually cost people their lives? Yes, 21 people have died in space, Nigel Packham, NASA’s associate director of safety and mission assurance, told Live Science. Five spaceflight missions — … Read more

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Writer Fuel: One of the Biggest Mass Extinctions Has Eerie Parallels to Today

Devonian Period - Deposit Photos

Depleting oxygen and rising hydrogen sulfide levels in the oceans may have been responsible for one of Earth’s most significant mass extinctions more than 350 million years ago, a new study finds. The changes were likely driven by rising sea levels and have some spooky parallels to conditions seen today. Researchers studied samples of black … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Dino-Killing Asteroid Caused Months-Long Earthquake

Dinosaur Killing Asteroid - Extinction - Deposit Photos

The massive asteroid impact that killed the dinosaurs also triggered mega-earthquakes that lasted months. Around 66 million years ago, an asteroid approximately 6.2 miles (10 kilometers) across smashed into Earth near the Yucatan Peninsula, plunging the planet into darkness and causing a mass extinction that wiped out 80% of animal life — including all the … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Seven Scary Space Things

wormhole black hole - pixabay

Space: the final frontier. The region between our home planet and everything else in the universe is a big unknown — full of untold wonders, celestial objects so big they boggle the mind, and some truly catastrophic events. Here are seven of the most terrifying things in space. Are you ready for a “megacomet”? The … Read more

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WRITER FUEL: Slicing and Dicing an Asteroid

Asteroid explosion - pixabay

Welcome to the latest installment of “Writer Fuel – cool real-world stories that might inspire your little writer heart. Check out our Writer Fuel page on the LimFic blog for more inspiration. Today:    A group of researchers wants to save Earth from a potential asteroid apocalypse using a new planetary defense method they call PI … Read more

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WRITER FUEL: How the Lunar “Wobble” Could Amplify Rising Sea Levels

moon and sea - pixabay

Welcome to the latest installment of “Writer Fuel – cool real-world stories that might inspire your little writer heart. Check out our Writer Fuel page on the LimFic blog for more inspiration. Today:   Coastal communities in the United States, be forewarned. A “dramatic” surge in high-tide floods is just over a decade away in the … Read more

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WRITER FUEL: Was Biblical Story of Sodom Inspired By a Space Rock Crash?

Space Rock - Creative Commons

As the inhabitants of an ancient Middle Eastern city now called Tall el-Hammam went about their daily business one day about 3,600 years ago, they had no idea an unseen icy space rock was speeding toward them at about 38,000 mph (61,000 kph). Flashing through the atmosphere, the rock exploded in a massive fireball about … Read more

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WRITER FUEL: The Sun Could Knock Out the Internet

solar storm - NASA

We’re launching a brand new feature on Liminal Fiction – “Writer Fuel – cool real-world stories that might inspire your little writer heart. Today: The sun is always showering Earth with a mist of magnetized particles known as solar wind. For the most part, our planet’s magnetic shield blocks this electric wind from doing any … Read more