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Writer Fuel: New Study Questions Length of Dinosaurs’ “Nuclear Winter”

Dinosaurs running from the meteor strike that made them extinct - Deposit Photos

The asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs did not trigger a long-lasting impact winter, scientists have found — a discovery that raises new questions about what happened on Earth just after it hit. One spring day 66 million years ago, a 6-mile-wide (10 kilometers) asteroid smashed into the Yucatán Peninsula and upended life on Earth. … Read more

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Writer Fuel: 25 (Real) Ancient Sea Monsters

Plesiosaur - deposit photos

From the creepiest Cambrian critters to massive marine reptiles, wonderfully weird sea creatures have inhabited our oceans for over half a billion years. We’ve put together a list of 25 of the strangest ancient sea monsters ever to have lived, all of which went extinct long before humans came along. The only reason we know … Read more

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Writer Fuel: One of the Biggest Mass Extinctions Has Eerie Parallels to Today

Devonian Period - Deposit Photos

Depleting oxygen and rising hydrogen sulfide levels in the oceans may have been responsible for one of Earth’s most significant mass extinctions more than 350 million years ago, a new study finds. The changes were likely driven by rising sea levels and have some spooky parallels to conditions seen today. Researchers studied samples of black … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Did UV Radiation Cause a Mass Extinction Event on Earth?

Seymouria from the Early Permian Period - deposit photos

A lethal pulse of ultraviolet (UV) radiation may have played a role in Earth’s biggest mass extinction event, fossilized pollen grains reveal. Pollen that dates to the time of the Permian-Triassic mass extinction event, roughly 250 million years ago, produced “sunscreen” compounds that shielded against harmful UV-B radiation, the analysis found. At that time, approximately … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Paleontologists Find “Cooked Dragon” Fosils

Cooked dragon fossil

Bizarre, mangled fossils in Ireland were likely deformed by superheated fluids that burst out from below Earth’s crust around 300 million years ago. The superhot fluids were released when the planet’s ancient continents collided together to form the supercontinent Pangaea, a new study shows. The fossils, which mainly consist of a group of amphibian-like tetrapods … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Why Did T-Rex Have Tiny Arms?

Tyrannosaurus rex - Deposit Photos

Tyrannosaurus rex was a vicious hunter with the strongest bite of any animal ever to walk on land. The beast prowled the late Cretaceous wilderness more than 66 million years ago, looking for a Triceratops or Edmontosaurus to munch on. The only thing not menacing about the king of the tyrant lizards was its tiny … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Dino-Killing Asteroid Caused Months-Long Earthquake

Dinosaur Killing Asteroid - Extinction - Deposit Photos

The massive asteroid impact that killed the dinosaurs also triggered mega-earthquakes that lasted months. Around 66 million years ago, an asteroid approximately 6.2 miles (10 kilometers) across smashed into Earth near the Yucatan Peninsula, plunging the planet into darkness and causing a mass extinction that wiped out 80% of animal life — including all the … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Earth’s First (Tiny) Dragons

earth's first dragons - live science

While most ancient reptiles crawled, scuttled and hopped through their prehistoric habitats, one stealthy creature opted for an airborne technique: gliding. Tiny, “dragonlike” Coelurosauravus elivensis (see-luh-roh-SAW’-rah-vus eh-lih-VEN’-sis) used a pair of patagials — thin membranes that extended from its torso to its front limbs, forming a winglike structure to travel from treetop to treetop, according … Read more

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WRITER FUEL: Behold the Demon Ducks of Doom

demon duck - deposit photos

Scientists have finally cracked a 41-year-old mystery about an ancient eggshell from a large, extinct terrestrial bird with a demonic nickname. In 1981, researchers in Australia discovered the charred remnants of numerous eggs from several cooking fires used by prehistoric humans, dating to about 50,000 years ago. Some of the eggs were identified as those … Read more