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Writer Fuel: Life on Titan?

Titan in front of Saturn - Deposit Photos

Scientists have discovered that the icy shell of Saturn’s largest moon, Titan, could possess an insulated, six-mile-thick (9.7-kilometer-thick) layer of methane ice beneath its surface. Ironically, this layer may make signs of life from the subsurface ocean of Titan easier to detect. And, down the line, the discovery could benefit the fight against human-driven climate … Read more

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Writer Fuel: 32 Alien Planets We Have Discovered

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Far beyond the eight familiar planets in our solar system, countless bizarre and extreme worlds await discovery — and some have already been found. Thanks to rapidly advancing telescope technology, astronomers have detected more than 5,600 planets outside our solar system. These exoplanets, as scientists call them, are worlds of lava, and worlds of water. They’re worlds … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Could We Use the Sun as a Giant Telescope Lens?

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We have some incredibly powerful telescopes that have given us spectacular views of the cosmos and allowed us to look back to the early days of the universe. These observatories, such as the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), are amazing feats of engineering that have required billions of dollars and decades of work. But what … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Earth May Once Have Had a Ring

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Earth may have had a giant ring of space rocks surrounding it, similar to those around Saturn, which could have led to chaotic meteorite strikes on our planet’s surface, new research suggests. The hypothesized ring may have formed roughly 466 million years ago and was the remains of a gigantic asteroid tugged apart by Earth’s … Read more

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Writer Fuel: How Many Galaxies Are There?

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The Milky Way is just a speck in a universe filled with an untold number of galaxies. But if we had to take an educated guess, how many galaxies are in the universe? That sounds like a simple question, but it’s anything but. The first problem is that even with our most powerful telescopes, we … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Is Mercury Partly Made From Diamonds?

Mercury - Deposit Photos

Mercury may have a thick layer of diamonds hundreds of miles below its surface, a new study shows. The findings, published June 14 in the journal Nature Communications, may help solve mysteries about the planet’s composition and peculiar magnetic field. Mercury is filled with mysteries. For one, it has a magnetic field. Although it’s much … Read more

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Writer Fuel: What if a Black Hole Wandered Into the Solar System?

runaway black hole

Black holes are massive, mostly invisible and so powerful not even light can escape them. So what would happen if one entered our solar system? It depends on a lot of factors, including the size and distance of the black hole, experts told Live Science. But in many scenarios, not much would happen.”They’re not, per … Read more

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Writer Fuel: New Mars Express Photos Reveal Grand Canyon Sized “Scar”

The giant "scar," known as Aganippe Fossa, is around 375 miles long from end to end. (Image credit: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin)

A satellite orbiting Mars has captured the best-ever images of a gigantic “scar” carved across the Red Planet’s surface. The dark ravine, which is accompanied by unusual zebra-like stripes, is likely the result of extreme volcanic activity millions of years ago. The striking surface feature, named Aganippe Fossa, is a graben — a “ditch-like groove … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Rare Blasts From the Sun Can Raise Radiation Levels on Earth

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The remarkable aurora in early May this year demonstrated the power that solar storms can emit as radiation, but occasionally the sun does something far more destructive. Known as “solar particle events”, these blasts of protons directly from the surface of the sun can shoot out like a searchlight into space. Records show that around … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Could We Spot the Telltale Signs Left By Alien Warp Drives?

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“Warp drives” used by super-advanced alien civilizations may create specific space-time ripples in their wake that we can spot from Earth, a new paper argues. However, the jury is still out on whether the faster-than-light technology is even possible to create in the first place. A warp drive is a hypothetical device that enables an … Read more