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Fantasy - Alternate History Genre

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Word Count: Information not available

Summary: It was the fall of 1892 and we were two days out of Las Palmas in the Canaries. All the passengers we ferried out of the Congo were gone, off to the aerodrome or looking for other passage to Europe, and we were just Red again, and there was no reason I should have felt that way. We escaped from the Congo, we got away. Better than got away. We had our cargo and money. We won, even though they lost. They all lost everything, even their lives. I could feel the water moving past the hull, the surge of the waves, and the blessed creaking of the mast in her step, and I knew that I was home, and my Ma and Pa were there. And Knockers. She's meowed. I could see the whole crew and even Mme. Verbeeck’s ghost standing on the ladder. She looked worried.

A Bad Crossing - Mark Bondurant - Autobiography of Calista Antoine
A Bad Crossing

Word Count: 25000

Summary: Nova Pendragon has found his childhood friend and love of his life. Found as in he knows where Leaf is. Not in his arms unless he is sleeping but locked away by the shadowy Consortium. Is there a plot to keep them apart? Maybe or just maybe a plot to keep Nova on his own for as soon as finds someone else they too are taken from him. They can try but Nova is not taking any more. He will get both his men back!

A Bright Star - Tony Farnden - Toybox
A Bright Star

Word Count: 12600

Summary: Carmen is eleven years old and wants to get her dragon. Since she was seven years old, she understood two things. One, she was going to be the strongest Dragon Keeper there ever was. The second was that she was going to marry her best friend, Mattie. As Christmas approaches the magical charms Carmen has to use to fight off her curse are taking a toll on her health. But that can’t stop her from taking her final test to become a Dragon Keeper. If she passes her test she gets her dragon, if not, she has to start all over, relying on different magical charms to fight the curse for her. That is something Carmen doesn’t want to have to go through. The testing is difficult and charms make her sick. Carmen has decided that if she doesn’t get her dragon this Christmas she’s not going to go for a third attempt, even if that means she can’t marry Mattie when she grows up.

A Dragon for Christmas - M.D. Neu
A Dragon for Christmas

Word Count: 26,823

Summary: Tel is an astrophysicist and an unwilling witch. A letter changes all that. Accepting the invitation within leads him into a nightmare existence on an alien world full of paranormal beings. Well it is like something out of a nightmare but the said paranormal beings are far from nightmarish and maybe just the type of people he needs in his life. Tel has to become the person he has been ignoring all his life. As the son of a hedge witch he has healing abilities he must now use. In fact he is potentailly so much more than a healer and that is why he is now where he now is, stuck on a world with little available magic unless you are special. Tel is on a journey to discover who he is and who the man from his past really is and how he could be the man of his future, his partner and lover in more than dreams. Star is the make believe friend of Tel's youth or so Tel thought. Tel discovers Star is real and the one responsible for Tel's current situation, stuck in a world similar to Earth but not Earth and empty of all 'human' life other than the the ones sharing his space. Maybe stuck is not the right word. Just maybe Tel is where he should be.

A Fallen Leaf - Tony Farnden - Toybox
A Fallen Leaf

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: How much must one sacrifice for the sake of friendship? Lady Claire Trevelyan has had to deal with betrayal before, but none is quite so painful as the belief that Gloria Meriwether-Astor deserted her and her friends and left them to die under the waters of Venice. But when she learns that Gloria has vanished, can she do the right thing and attempt to find the missing heiress? Of course she must. But this does not sit well with the gentlemen in her life, who had every reason to believe she planned to settle down at last. Suddenly Claire finds herself without a career, a fiancé, or the confidence in her own abilities that has carried her this far.  Worse, Captain Ian Hollys is suffering from the megrims and cannot seem to recover from his dreadful experience as a prisoner. Alice’s dream of captaining her own ship in England is scuttled. Tigg is struggling with a revelation that has turned his life upside down—and may result in a betrayal more harrowing than any the flock has yet seen. Will the bond of friendship that has brought Claire and the flock together be the very thing that separates them for good? Or will love tip the balance and prove that what really defines a gentleman of means is none other than a lady of resources?

A Gentleman of Means - Shelly Adina - Magnificent Devices
A Gentleman of Means

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: Will a daring rescue put a wedding and a future at risk? Lady Claire Trevelyan and renowned scientist Andrew Malvern are looking forward to domestic felicity in London—until a desperate and fugitive Alice Chalmers turns up seeking help. Her ship has been seized in the Duchy of Venice and worse, her navigator Jake has been thrown into the dreaded underwater prison from which no one ever escapes. Even the innocent. Lady Claire is about to embark on her career in Munich at the Zeppelin Airship Works. The Mopsies are beginning their final year at school. Andrew Malvern begins to despair of his fiancée ever choosing a wedding gown. But when help is denied from official quarters, the close bonds of friendship and shared adventure demand that they set sail in the airship Athena. There is a brooding evil waiting for them in Venice … an evil that would put an end to the flock’s interference once and for all. With an innocent friend’s unexpected return and a pair of secret agents who don’t want their help … the situation clearly calls for the inner resources of a lady of integrity.

A Lady of Integrity - Shelly Adina - Magnificent Devicesc
A Lady of Integrity

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: You can choose your friends, but you cannot choose your family ... or can you? Now sixteen, Lizzie and Maggie are educated young ladies who have not been called “the Mopsies” in years … except by their guardian, Lady Claire Trevelyan. With the happy prospect of choosing their own future, the girls can leave their dodgy past behind, and Lizzie can bury her deepest childhood memories where they can do no harm. But is she ready to be separated from Maggie and become the woman she believes she was meant to be? Or will old habits tempt her into defiance—like picking the wrong man’s pocket—and plunge her into disaster? But sometimes disaster leads to dreams coming true—dreams of family and a place in the world. Lizzie must decide whether her true family is the one she was born to … or the one she chose long ago when the Lady of Devices steamed into their lives …

A Lady of Resources - Shelley Adina - Magnificent Devices
A Lady of Resources

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: You can choose your friends, but you cannot choose your family … or can you? Under normal circumstances, Maggie and Lizzie would be delighted to meet their long-lost relatives and be reunited with those who had believed them dead, but when are the Mopsies’ circumstances ever normal? With her half-brother Claude Seacombe, Lizzie travels to Cornwall to meet her mother’s parents. Maggie goes along, too, since she is part of the family … or so one might assume. But the more time she spends in her grandparents’ clifftop mansion, the more she realizes that something is not right, and the events surrounding her own mother’s death are more mysterious—and dangerous—than anyone alive suspects. For an old nemesis is preying on the weak and proud, and she cannot stand by and watch. Maggie must straighten her spine, plunge into danger for Lizzie’s sake … and prove that no matter the name she bears, she is first and foremost what the Lady of Devices believes her to be … a lady of spirit.

A Lady of Spirit - Shelley Adina - Magnificent Devices
A Lady of Spirit

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: A college party lands freshman Hal Christianson in an America that could have been: no smartphones, no cars, no flush toilets. What he finds is a squabbling bunch of states, the consequence of the colonies having grown up on their own after European civilization collapsed from plague in the 1670s, and they are poised on the brink of war. For a socially awkward young man, who takes refuge in online games, this is a bad situation. He has no knowledge or experience that is useful in this world. He does, however, have one skill of value in a world where the rifle is a new invention – he is a competitive fencer. What do you do when the world is strange and you have no way to control your own fate? Can Hal grow up fast enough to survive in this world and can he find a way home?

Accidental Warrior - Colin Alexander - Unlikely Tale of Bloody Hal
Accidental Warrior: The Unlikely Tale of Bloody Hal

Word Count: 22700

Summary: When yet another wave of colonizing Felters arrives to strengthen their fortress on the forest’s edge, Velu, an indigenous hunter, knows they bring only pain and death. But with them arrives an intriguing older woman who hunts legends. When Velu learns the woman, Lady Greyback, shares his terrifying visions of the ancient scorpion god, Ajakava, she invites him to research what they mean. But the Felters grow hostile, blaming Velu and the other hunters for deaths in a doomed expedition through the forest. Meanwhile, the visions become ever more persistent, hinting the god is awakening. When a second Felter expedition seeks to extend their reach to the capital beyond the forest, only Velu and Lady Greyback know they will walk straight into Ajakava's clutches. While the lady sees new destruction, Velu sees memories of a long-forgotten massacre. What vengeance does the old god have in store, and for whom? Find out what happens in Ajakava by Chaitanya Murali

Ajakava - Chaitanya Murali

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: Come, Best Beloved, and sit you by my feet. I shall tell you a tale such as sister Scheherazade could have scarce imagined... In the Nejd there is nothing at all...except secrets. A band of thieves wishes such secrets to remain hidden. In England, far from his desert home, Ali bin-Massoud serves as apprentice to the famed Charles Babbage. One night a mysterious box is delivered by a clockwork falcon and Ali's world is never the same again. Heartache, danger, and thieves mark his journey as Ali is summoned home at the death of his father. It will take faith, knowledge, and yes, love to realize his destiny, and more than a little skill with steam-driven technology. Can he unravel the mystery of the puzzle box and the clockwork djinn before it is too late? An ancient legacy and Ali's very life depend on his success. Hear you the tale of Baba Ali and the Clockwork Djinn.

Baba Ali and the Clockwork Djinn - Danielle Ackley-McPhail and Dal Al-Mohamed
Baba Ali and the Clockwork Djinn

Word Count: 23000

Summary: Christmastime brings out memories, and ghosts. Silas tracks down a poltergeist haunting a local tree farm. Darien hopes to convince Silas that despite experiences with demons and hells, Christmas can still be fun. Pip tries to catch his first rat. And Grim watches from a high vantage point and a position of moral superiority—he has holiday memories of his own, but cats know how to keep a secret. - A 23,000 word holiday novella in the Necromancer series.

Bound By Memories - Kaje Harper
Bound by Memories

Word Count: 30000

Summary: There are creatures lurking in our world. Obscure creatures long relegated to myth and legend. They have been sighted by a lucky—or unlucky—few, some have even been photographed, but their existence remains unproven and unrecognized by the scientific community. These creatures, long thought gone, have somehow survived; creatures from our nightmares haunting the dark places. They swim in our lakes and bays, they soar the night skies, they hunt in the woods. Some are from our past, and some from other worlds, and others that have always been with us—watching us, fearing us, hunting us. These are the cryptids, and Systema Paradoxa tells their tales. * * * 1942. Gallup, New Mexico. Marine recruiters have come to town looking to fill their ranks with a secret weapon against the Axis powers—what would become Navajo Code Talkers—but not everyone supports the prospect of young native men going off to war. When one new recruit is found dead, and a rancher's cattle are mutilated, whispers of witchcraft and skinwalker filter through the town and interest in enlisting wanes. Is there evil afoot, or is that just what opponents to the cause want everyone to think? Whether guided by magic, mischief, or malevolence, without a doubt, nothing is as it seems…

Breaking the Code- David Lee Summers
Breaking the Code

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: A lady of resources has the power to change the world—if she can stay alive long enough to do it. Lady Claire Trevelyan had been looking forward to glittering balls, congenial society, and relief from pursuit during her stay with Lord and Lady Dunsmuir in the Canadas. Though being pursued by a handsome airship captain is rather satisfying, especially when it appears Andrew Malvern is becoming distracted by a certain blond mechanic. But a shot fired in the night puts an end to such diversions, and instead plunges her and her orphaned band of children into a fight for their very survival. Between secret conversations at the highest levels of society and skullduggery in the diamond mines, Claire must discover who is behind the attempts on her friends’ lives—before her mother is compelled to make funeral arrangements yet again.

Brilliant Devices - Shelley Adina - Magnificent Devices
Brilliant Devices

Word Count: 74000

Summary: Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire. Darien's ready for a quiet life— back to studying, sleeping with his ridiculously appealing necromancer, playing magical Fetch with his dog-familar. But breaking the demon portals was only a temporary solution, when there are sorcerers out there rebuilding them. Much as he'd like to shove the rest of the job on someone else, Darien's not willing to see his world burn. Silas is ready to turn the whole hunting-dark-sorcerers mess over to the Guild. Except he doesn't trust his council members as far as he can throw them, the sorcerer Chicago has sent sets his teeth on edge, and if they get it wrong, Darien's life is at risk. So with Grim at his side, and Pip encouraging Darien, they, Jasper, and Magda will take on one more hunt to find and stop the portal-builders.

Consumed by Fire - Kaje Harper
Consumed by Fire

Word Count: 93000

Summary: Three vampires. Three lives. Three stories intertwined. Bearing the guilt of destroying the holiest of books after becoming a vampire, the Dragon, Lord Desmond searches the world for lost knowledge, but instead, discovers truth in love. Born a slave in Ancient Greece, Alexandra craves freedom above all else, until a vampire sets her free, and then, she must pay the highest price of all … her human soul. An assassin who lives in the shadows, Roquelaure is cloaked even from himself, until he discovers the power of friendship and loyalty. Three vampires, traveling the world by moonlight—one woman and two men who forge a bond made in love and blood. Together they form a band of mercenaries called the Scarlet Order, and recruit others who are like them. Their mission is to protect kings and emperors against marauders, invaders, and rogue vampires as the world descends into the chaos of the Dark Ages.

Dragon's Fall: Rise of the Sacrlet Order Vampires - David Lee Summers
Dragon's Fall SALE

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: From acclaimed short fiction writer Nisi Shawl comes a brilliant alternate history set in the Congo, where heroes strive for a Utopia and endeavor to live together despite their differences. Now with a foreward from award-winning author Cadwell Turnbull. In this re-imagining of Belgium's disastrous colonization of the Congo, African American missionaries join forces with British socialists to purchase land from the Congo Free State's "owner," King Leopold II. This land, which they name Everfair, is set aside as a safe haven for native populations of the Congo as well as settlers from around the world, including dream-eyed Europeans attempting to create a better society, formerly enslaved people returning from America, and Chinese railroad builders escaping hard labor. Using the combined knowledge of four continents, Everfair becomes a land of spying cats and gulls, nuclear dirigibles buoyed by barkcloth balloons, and silent pistols that shoot poison knives. With this technology, Everfair will attempt to defeat the Belgian tyrant Leopold II. But even if they can defeat their great enemy, a looming world war and political infighting may threaten to destroy everything they have built. “A book with gorgeous sweep, spanning years and continents, loves and hates, histories and fantasies… Everfair is sometimes sad, often luminous, and always original. A wonderful achievement.” — Karen Joy Fowler At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

Everfair - Nisi Shawl
Everfair: A Novel

Word Count: 97000

Summary: The seas spell freedom. Pirates and kraken, boats and submarines, deadly sirens, mermaids, and the women who face them all. These are our heroes. High seas adventure, fantasy, and magic weave together in this sapphic anthology focusing on the joy of the unbounded oceans. If you like diverse stories with lesbian and sapphic heroines exploring oceans, battling sea monsters, and seducing pirates, buy Farther Reefs today! With stories by: Sarah Day and Tim Pratt, Kim Pritekel, Kyoko M. Sara Codair, William C. Tracy, N.L. Bates, Robin C.M. Duncan, Vanessa Ricci-Thode, Margaret Adelle, and J.S. Fields Genres: Science Fiction / Fantasy / Adventure / Lesbian / LGBT and Non Binary Market: Adult

Farther Reefs Anthology
Farther Reefs

Word Count: 135000

Summary: “Aye, well, what is an angel, anyway?” At Samhain, things in Llwyncudd are taking a turn for the strange and bizarre. The red dragon is spotted around town trying to dig its own grave whilst his vessel is happily participating in life elsewhere. Did Stewart’s dragon spirit leave him? Michael, can’t live with the thought. Meanwhile, Dr Lilibeth Blackthorne, PsyD, has moved to town at her brother Sam’s suggestion. Many of its residents are in desperate need of her counselling services and she’s uniquely qualified—even if she’s never particularly seen multiple personalities quite like this. Fairy-halfling Arthen also joins the town after being raised in the local fairy village on the other side. Despite the odd cultural clashes of living in a society that requires silly things like clothing, he is making many new friends and is more special than his former masters would have him believe. Join our friends as they battle their demons from the darker side of the veil in Green Hills and Battlefields—the thrilling fifth book of the Green Hills Series by Celyn Kendrick!

Green Hills and Battlefields - Celyn Kendrick
Green Hills and Battlefields

Word Count: 140000

Summary: “You probably shouldn’t stop to talk to strange men, dragons or fairies…” Stewart Rygby and Michael Dougal are looking forward to a new chapter in a new lifetime together, but the waiting is driving them mad. It also doesn’t help that Stewart’s mother is prone to random outbursts of poetry punctuated by the pealing of bells in the local fairy village. Whilst visiting Michael in Scotland, Stewart also gets to meet his fiancé’s cousin and the future mother of their children—Shannon Anderson. After getting dumped by her girlfriend of ten years by sticky note, she’s sick of pretences and vows to live life differently and by her own rules. Meanwhile, back in Llwyncudd, there’s a new vicar in town. Father Aron Lewis tries to look at retirement and the odd turn his life has taken as a positive—and one quite possibly fated by God. But God seems to have a twisted sense of humour. Join us for a puppy poppy tea party pealing parade in Green Hills and Fairy Bells—the prophetic third book in the Green Hills Series by Celyn Kendrick!

Green Hills and Fairy Bells - Celyn Kendrick
Green Hills and Fairy Bells
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