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Sci Fi - Space Opera Genre

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Word Count: 80000

Summary: Beware the demon prince who's sick and tired of running. Federico Duomo is dead, to begin with. But this is only the first bit of Shax's problems resolved. Powerful crime lords and an obscenely wealthy oligarch are still determined to destroy him and his crew, and Fluffy's original owner may be coming after the Brimstone now, too. It would be splendid to be able to take on one thing at a time. Adding to the external conflicts, life on board the Brimstone has only grown increasingly stranger. Shax has no idea what to do with the seven partly human children that Heckle rescued from slavers. Heckle himself has grown short-tempered, even with Mac. Someone from Julian's past catches up to them on Barbary. It's enough to put a demon off his cinnamon buns. Shax isn't panicking, though. In fact he's had it up to his handsome royal nose with the people he loves having to live in constant fear. The fox has turned at bay and the Brimstone's enemies are in for a shock. The demon prince of thieves is coming for them.

A Fine Mess - Angel Martinez - Brimstone
A Fine Mess: Brimstone 7

Word Count: 11000

Summary: Any landing you can crawl away from is a good one. A data privateer crash-lands on a barely habitable moon where he's rescued by a research scientist who refuses to show his face. Though suspicious and paranoid by necessity, Rhodi finds himself drawn to the soft-spoken man behind the mask. Professor Covington prefers being isolated with his research. He has good reason to limit human contact, but he can’t abandon anyone to the ravages of a fickle and dangerous environment. He knows Rhodi’s hiding things. It’s none of his business and his mysterious guest will leave once a nasty native virus has run its course. Strange how the thought makes him less happy by the hour.

A Matter of Faces - Angel Martinez - Esto Universe
A Matter Of Faces

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: Seven stories of the gap year for the Children of Amargosa between Storming Amargosa and Suicide Run: Tishla must decide if Hanar can accommodate a group of socially inept sentient turtles. JT Austin has a ghost. Eric Yuwono must deal with his former enemies, who are now refugees on Amargosa. Davra Andraste tries to save a group of mean girls in space. Connor Duffy hacks the Boston sewer system. Ellie Nardino ponders her future, which might include terraforming. Mitsuko Yamato confronts squid people

After Amargosa - TS Hottle
After Amargosa

Word Count: 80,0-00

Summary: MIKE CHRISTOPHER RETURNS TO EARTH TO BATTLE AN OLD NEMESIS! Mike Christopher, an artificial Human spurned and abused by much of Earth society, left Earth to become a Galactic explorer. Now, 25 years later, he returns to battle the Jenregar, an alien enemy he's fought before. But the key to defeating the alien threat also presents a soul-crushing moral dilemma!

All Human Things - Dave Creek

Word Count: 70000

Summary: Ray M. Holler is an interstellar shipping freelancer, expert smuggler, and an occasional thief with a troubled past which means that his life is far from the boring, mundane exploits of your average denizen of the Orion-Sagittarius Union, a political alliance of intelligent species inhabiting the Milky Way galaxy. In fact, more often than not, he finds himself up to his neck in situations that require wit, courage, and a decent amount of luck to maneuver out of in one piece. Throughout his adventures in a universe where a safe, peaceful life is possible but not guaranteed, Ray gets to meet a variety of interesting individuals, make new friends, reunite with old acquaintances, and maybe—just maybe—face his own demons. All Quiet In the Milky Way: Ray M. Holler’s Adventures vol. 1 brings forth five stories, accompanied by an equal amount of side vignettes. This collection will take you on an exciting journey to remote worlds that, in some aspects, may not be all that dissimilar from the one we live in today.

All Quiet in the Milky Way - Martin Lochman - R.M. Holler's Adventures
All Quiet in the Milky Way

Word Count: 184000


An unexpected romance. A space-heist gone wrong. A galactic catastrophe in the making.

  At the furthest reaches of the known galaxy, cyber-thief Rowland Hale’s biggest score turns into a fight for his life.  Beaten but not broken, ex-navy captain Toar Grithrawrscion can save that life, but only by risking his own. With a toothy foe hell-bent on domination, can these two unlikely heroes come together and not only save the galaxy, but each other? Their destiny is in their hands, but only if they keep their hands to themselves. A high-adventure space epic with a touch of charming romance, Allure of Oartheca tells the story of two men from different worlds who must face battles both from without and from deep within – an Allure that whispers promises of rapture and destruction, that dares not be risked, and cannot be refused. If our heroes give up, they fail.  If they give in, they fail too – and the fate of the universe rests in the balance.

Allure of Oartheca - James Siewert
Allure of Oartheca

Word Count: 52000

Summary: Has kidnapping Zeus ruined Dargon and Alpha's chance at love?   The sole survivor on a science vessel adrift in deep space, Zeus was adopted by the Emperor and Empress of the Mar'Sani, though he is both human and blind, and seen by many as unfit to join the royal family. Though they were able to repair his vision, Zeus does not trust his eyes, and the nobles of his parents' court refuse to ever trust a frail and treacherous human.   Dargon Kal-Turak, along with his symbiote and lover, Alpha, command one of the most dangerous ships in the stars. After narrowly escaping a trap, they dock in a space port to make repairs but find that the Psionics hunting them are closing in fast. In desperation they kidnap the port's master mechanic, unaware that the man they've brought on board is more than he seems and will bring far more upheaval to their ship, their lives, and the stars than any of them could have imagined.   **Alpha Trine is a 52k sci-fi romance. It was re-edited July 2018 and some concepts were expanded upon. Neither the plot nor characters were changed.

Alpha Trine - Lexi Ander - Valespian Pact
Alpha Trine

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: It's her first job...and it's already going wrong. Freshly graduated from university with a degree in engineering, Crystal approaches her placement on the wormhole-constructive ship Crossing Paths with nothing but enthusiasm. But while Crystal gets used to the ins and outs of a multispecies, multicultural ship, tension brews both at work and back home. Not murdering her coworker Jai is hard enough; the last thing she needs are the terrifying errors cropping up on her maps. Reality and space are either tearing themselves apart - or someone else is attacking them. With conspiracies lurking everywhere, friendship won't be enough to see her through these dangerous new problems... Fans of Becky Chambers' Wayfarers series will enjoy this sometimes joyful, sometimes dark personal adventure set in a world of politics, bureaucracy - and piracy.

And the Stars Will Sing - Michelle Browne - Meaning Wars
And The Stars Will Sing

Word Count: 7000

Summary: Half a century before Ray M. Holler sets off for the stars for the first time, a chance encounter near Neptune forever changes not only the course of human history but that of the entire Galaxy. Colonel Milan Pavel is a highly decorated officer in the Visegrád Union Navy, serving his last few months in command of the Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk, the flagship of the VU’s Third Fleet. When an alien ship appears near Neptune, he initially dismisses it as an elaborate pre-retirement prank by his crew, but he is quickly proven wrong. The situation escalates rapidly as it turns out that the ship is on the run from a powerful enemy who is not far behind. Colonel Pavel has a decision to make: Either follow protocol and leave the aliens to their cruel fate, or risk his ship and crew in an attempt to save them.

And the Universe Opened Up - Martin Lochman
And the Universe Opened Up

Word Count: 72,000

Summary: Cybercommand has a field agent newly licensed to kill. And his name is Yuwono. Eric Yuwono. Eric travels to the remote paradise of Hosh, where someone is peddling stolen resurrection technology not ready for general use. Posing as a smuggler and with the aid of a sexy AI named Effie, he'll penetrate the organization and discover a connection back to Juno, the shadowy operation undermining the Compact. To bring them down, he'll need the help of the Children of Amargosa and their mentor, Suicide. But if he's not careful, his newfound amortality might be cut short.

Another Way to Die - TS Hottle - Suicide Arc
Another Way to Die

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: Ardulum. The planet that vanishes. The planet that sleeps. Neek makes a living piloting the dilapidated tramp transport, Mercy’s Pledge, and smuggling questionable goods across systems blessed with peace and prosperity. She gets by—but only just. In her dreams, she is still haunted by thoughts of Ardulum, the traveling planet that, long ago, visited her homeworld. The Ardulans brought with them agriculture, art, interstellar technology…then disappeared without a trace, leaving Neek’s people to worship them as gods. Neek does not believe—and has paid dearly for it with exile from her home for her heretical views. Yet, when the crew stumbles into an armed confrontation between the sheriffs of the Charted Systems and an unknown species, fate deals Neek an unexpected hand in the form of a slave girl—a child whose ability to telepathically manipulate cellulose is reminiscent of that of an Ardulan god. Forced to reconcile her beliefs, Neek chooses to protect her, but is the child the key to her salvation, or will she lead them all to their deaths?

Ardulum First Don - J. S. Fields - Ardulum
Ardulum: First Don

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: Ardulum. The planet of myth. The planet of unwanted destiny. The Charted Systems are in pieces. Mercy’s Pledge is destroyed, and her captain dead. With no homes to return to, the remaining crew sets off on a journey to find the mythical planet of Ardulum—a planet where Emn might find her people, and Neek the answers she’s long sought. Finding the planet, however, brings a host of uncomfortable truths about Ardulum’s vision for the galaxy and Neek’s role in a religion that refuses to release her. Neek must balance her planet’s past and the unchecked power of the Ardulans with a budding relationship and a surprising revelation about her own genealogy. Ardulum: Second Don blends space opera elements and hard science into a story about two women persistently bound to their past and a sentient planet determined to shape their future.

Ardulum Second Don - J. S. Fields - Ardulum
Ardulum: Second Don

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: The planet wakes. Atalant is torn between two worlds. In uncharted space—head of a sentient planet—the new Eld of Ardulum now leads the religion she once rejected. Emn is by her side but the Mmnnuggl war brewing in the Charted Systems—threatening her homeworld of Neek—cannot be ignored. Atalant must return to the planet that exiled her in order to lead the resistance. She must return home a god, a hypocrite, a liar in gold robes, and decide whether to thrust her unwilling people into the truth of Ardulum, or play the role she has been handed and never see her family, or her world, again.

Ardulum Third Don - J. S. Fields - Ardulum
Ardulum: Third Don

Word Count: 108000

Summary: The destruction of the embargo has made Darynn Mark a lot of enemies: an interstellar bounty hunter, the Grand Cardinal, families of the fallen. On top of that, Darynn struggles with his new responsibility to discover the truth behind Vastire’s gods, while battling his growing internal desire to destroy. Darynn and Fyra must travel to the frozen planet Yiptae to find the final pieces of the gods’ puzzle. But Yiptae has problems of its own, from a violent revolution to the assassination of a key political figure for immigrant rights. In the middle of it all is Kaylaa, whose mysterious past leads to new opportunities, conflicts, and enemies. Darynn, Fyra, and Kaylaa must work with new allies to solve the secret to the past while navigating the revolution and solving the murder. If they don’t, they will be buried in a frozen wasteland, and the truths of two worlds will be obscured forever.

Assassination of Hope - Justin Doyle
Assassination of Hope

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: Un appel de détresse mystérieux amène l’équipage de l’Hermès jusqu’à un vaisseau militaire en perdition… et désert. À l’intérieur, du sang et des viscères jonchent les couloirs, et un seul survivant, prisonnier d’une cellule de détention. Attiré par le bel homme traumatisé, l’agent de com’ de l’équipage, Isaac Ozawa, prend Turk sous sa responsabilité, lui offrant la gentillesse et la chaleur dont il a besoin après les horreurs qu’il a vécues. Isaac sait d’expérience ce que c’est qu’être différent, d’être un paria, et cela renforce leur lien. Jadis pilote prometteur, il a vu son cerveau être endommagé lorsque l’implant devant servir à piloter les puissants chasseurs de la flotte n’a pas fusionné correctement. Le cerveau de Turk n’en mène pas plus large. Le résultat d’une expérience militaire ratée, ses compétences naturelles ont été augmentées à un niveau dangereux. Lorsqu’un amiral sans morale et avide de puissance kidnappe Isaac et se sert de lui pour convaincre Turk de devenir l’arme cataclysmique dont il rêve par-dessus tout, les deux hommes et leurs compagnons se lancent dans une bataille éperdue pour leur liberté…

Gravitational Attraction - Angel Martinez - ESTO Universe
Attraction gravitationelle

Word Count: 21,400

Summary: When do dreams become reality? Orin sells dandelion latex at a no-name market, barely scraping by. Mette is a princess. Maybe. What Orin does know is that for thirty seconds every night, Mette visits Orin in xir dreams. Orin has long since written the fancy ghost woman off as a recurring nightmare, but when Mette insists upon meeting in real life, Orin's inner world turns out to be more substantive than imaginary. Along with best friend Blathnaid, Orin embarks on a journey to discover the truth behind xir otherworldly connection--determined to free xir mind and finally get a good night's sleep. But it's an ancient, planetary magic that binds Orin to Mette, and Orin's dandelions may be their only chance to survive the separation. If you want a fun, queer romp through a sci-fi planet with magic and dragons (of a sort), download Awry with Dandelions today! Note: this book uses xie/xir pronouns for Orin. Genres: Space Opera / Science Fiction / Romance / LGBT Lesbian Non Binary Market: Adult and New Adult

Awry With Dandelions 0 J.S. Fields
Awry With Dandelions

Word Count: 144680


A secret revealed. A plot within a plot. A battle to reunite.

"Author James Siewert has certainly breathed new life into science fiction with this superb and spicy work." - K.C. Finn for Readers’ Favorite Reviews Headed in opposite galactic directions, Rowland Hale and Toar Grithrawrscion must find a way to reunite despite the myriad of challenges dogging their every step. An unwelcome surprise finds Rowland picking up the pieces of what he thought was his life, and Toar learns the hard way that the Pryok’tel always settle the score. Can their blossoming relationship survive, or will it be torn to bits between needle-sharp teeth? In Barons of Oartheca, the exciting sequel to the one-of-a-kind adventure Allure of Oartheca, James Siewert plunges our two heroes into an epic fight for survival with adversaries both old and new, and asks the question, ‘Is family those you love, or those you trust … with your life?’ Advisory: this book contains scenes of explicit male/male romance, sex and sexuality, and is recommended only for readers ages 18+.

Barons of Oartheca - James Siewert
Barons of Oartheca

Word Count: 35656

Summary: When Shax stumbles across rumors of an experimental house that responds to the occupant’s brain functions, creating scenarios to please and delight, naturally he wants to steal it. While stealing an entire house sounds impossible, the demon prince has a cunning plan. But a night at the ballet heralds the return of a troubled and hunted Julian Parallax. He brings ominous news to whisper in Shax's ear and forces Ness to battle a new emotion – raging jealousy. With nefarious plots in the background and an overabundance of Poe references, even Shax’s scheming may not be enough to get the Brimstone crew out alive this time.

Beside a Black Tarn - Angel Martinez - Brimstone
Beside A Black Tarn: Brimstone 5

Word Count: 110000

Summary: Darynn, Fyra, and Kaylaa have solved the mysteries of the gods. But how can they unveil the secrets to save the starving Olan-Har without unleashing chaos upon Vastire? Even if they knew what to do, war with long-time adversary Erodia forces them to wait. Unfortunately, the Erodians are winning: they’ve taken Vastire’s capital and bombard the west coast nightly. With few options left, Commander Aseus turns to Darynn to attempt a daring mission to infiltrate Erodia, just like his grandfather did 80 years ago. With Fyra, Kaylaa, and a small team at his side, Darynn agrees to the treacherous mission across the dangerous, wild continent filled with powerful enemies. But he’s conflicted. Not only does magical power rampage within, but he starts to wonder who he’s fighting for: royalty and the clergy, or the people? That question will drive him to make impossible choices. If he chooses correctly, he can end the war and save the Olan-Har, but at a great cost. If he doesn’t, the Erodians will rule Vastire and the secrets of the gods will be lost.

Betrayal of Hope - Justin Doyle - Star Marked
Betrayal of Hope

Word Count: 77,000

Summary: Ellie Nardino finds a dazed and confused man wandering the forests of Amargosa's tundra. They soon learn he is the stricken former president of the Compact. To find out what happened to him, they will smuggle him to a clinic inside the Compact. Ellie is tasked with escorting the former president and Tishla, now working as a genetic researcher in an off-the-books mission. When their pilot betrays them, they'll have to survive a lawless colony to keep him away from those who want to kill him.

Breaking Liberty - TS Hottle - Suicide Arc
Breaking Liberty
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