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Word Count: 180000

Summary: In November 2039, marine scientist Wend Taylor heaves themself aboard a zero-emissions boat skippered by elusive nature photographer Viola Yang. Guided by instinct, ocean dreams, and a shared birthday in 1972, they barter stories for passage across the Pacific. Aljon, Viola’s younger cousin, keeps a watchful eye and an innovative galley. Story by story, the trio rethink secrets, flying dreams, and how they experience their own minds. When they reach Hawaiʻi and prepare to part ways, opportunity and mystery pull them closer together. Both scientific and personal discoveries take shape as they join with ex-lovers, lost friends, and found family. Wend must navigate an ever-shifting future, complicated by bioengineered microbes and a plot to silence scientists, entangled with inexplicable dreams and a calling to Be the Sea.

Be the Sea - Clara Ward
Be the Sea

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: "Dear Tyler, I was hoping I wouldn't have to write this letter for a long time..." Tyler is a young gay man with his whole life ahead of him. Then his Uncle Jodie died and left him the deed to Memory Lane Antiques, a small shop in an even smaller town. When he and his best friend, Madison, arrive to assess the inventory, they're led by unseen forces to an old journal. Only then do they realize the full meaning of ownership and possession. Memory Lane is filled with curious items. Some mundane, others deadly. As they dive deeper into Jodie's writing, Tyler cannot help but notice the similarities between their lives, nor is he prepared for just how deep his own ties run to a dark-glassed mirror that hangs in the showroom and the ghost of a boy named Frankie who will do anything to escape its murky depths.

Taking Possession - W. Dale Jordan
Taking Possession

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: Humans are, so far as we know, the only creatures on this planet who mark the passage of time. As such, we are keenly aware from an early age that time is tick, tick, ticking away. In the end, for all of us, is Death. We fear it. We are intoxicated by it. We run from it and somehow find ourselves wrapped in its dark-robed arms. A small village suffering through a terrifying plague seek a solution from a prophet. A “pig” crawls on his hands and knees through the dark labyrinth of a BDSM dungeon in search of the only thing that can satiate his hunger. Two young men find themselves chased through the woods by a real-life urban legend. A lonely young man finds a boon companion in Death. These stories and more fill Darkest Death, a collection of short horror fiction by W. Dale Jordan, author of The Stop.

Dearest Death - W. Dale Jordan
Dearest Death: A Collection

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: A solar powered girl. A ballerina vigilante. A boy with an alien sharing his brain. A girl with a black hole for her heart. And, a werewolf with confidence issues. This is the next generation of heroes Doc Silence has gathered together, a random collection of amazing kids he hopes to train to make the world a better place. But Silence isn't the only one collecting super-powered teenagers. In the shadows, a dark organization — long thought destroyed — has been building a better monster, combining sentient hurricanes with car crash survivors, crafting designer cyborgs, girls made of fire and boys made of pure rage. What is this mysterious organization's goal? And what does it have to do with Doc's past, and his team's future? Will Doc Silence have enough time to teach them to be heroes before they are called upon to save the world — and will his team be ready to accept the mantle as their generation's brightest stars? The Indestructibles introduces Jane, Kate, Billy, Titus, and Emily— Solar, Dancer, Straylight, Fury, and Entropy — to the world as they learn how to use their bizarre powers. Along the way, they also discover something about themselves and whether they have what it takes to save the world. Meanwhile, the mercenary Agent Black and the mysterious Rose find themselves pawns of a villainous organization who plan on changing the world, starting with the creation of a living, breathing, sentient storm system they're able to bend to their will. The Indestructibles, coming soon to a neighborhood near you.

The Indestructibles - Matthew Phillion - The Indestructibles
The Indestructibles

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: The Indestructibles -- Solar, the Dancer, Straylight, Fury, and Entropy Emily -- saved the day more than a few times last year, and the world took notice. When Doc, their mentor, went missing, the five teenaged heroes did their best to make the world a better place, stumbling from adventure to adventure without an overall strategy. The general public seems to be cheering them on, but a shadowy government agency lurking in the background, wants to round them up and force them to play by their rules. And they aren't going to take no for an answer — even if it means making an example of the young heroes. Meanwhile, a bigger threat, an escaped experiment who spreads sickness wherever he goes, is working his way toward the City to meet the Indestructibles head on, blaming them for what he has become. With Doc Silence gone, Fury apparently missing, and the Dancer slipping away into her own silent brand of vigilantism, will Solar be able to hold her team together in the face of this looming threat? And who is the mysterious, neon-pink haired stranger who keeps appearing and then disappearing like an illusion on the Indestructibles' flying base? The Indestructibles have become a national sensation — but will they survive the fame? Tune into the sequel The Indestructibles: Breakout to find out for sure.

The Breakout - Matthew Phillion - The Indestructibles
Breakout (The Indestructibles Book 2)

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: Time travel is a long-standing tradition among superheroes, and so when Anachronism Annie, a friend and ally of Doc Silence, asks the Indestructibles to journey with her to save an alternate future where everything has gone terribly wrong, the team agrees. In this other timeline, a few small decisions have led to a much darker and more tragic world, and the adult versions of themselves the Indestructibles meet—Solar, the Dancer, Straylight, Whispering, and Entropy Emily—are nothing like they expected. Are they heroes? Martyrs? Or perhaps even villains? And what happens when the young Indestructibles discover that the alternate future’s version of one of their own team has been turned into the very weapon that will be used to destroy the whole world? Can they team up with these darker versions of themselves to save an entire future? It's said that when you time travel, you can never come back the same. How will journeying through time change the Indestructibles? Will they ever be the same? The Entropy of Everything is the third book in the Indestructibles series.

The Entropy of Everything - Matthew Phillion - The Indestructibles
The Entropy of Everything (The Indestructibles Book 3)

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: The Indestructibles: Jane, the solar-powered girl; Kate, the ballerina vigilante; Billy, who shares his brain with a cosmic-powered symbiotic alien; Titus, a werewolf with confidence issues; and Entropy Emily, a Whovian with a black hole where her heart should be — together with their mentor, the magician Doc Silence — have saved the world from a sentient hurricane and a living plague. They've even traveled through time to rescue an alternate timeline. But now they face their greatest challenge yet: a messenger from the stars, a creature with powers just like Billy's, has crash-landed on Earth with a warning of a pending alien invasion. The young heroes must rally their forces and turn their attention to the stars. It's all hands on deck as the Nemesis Fleet, an armada of living ships and ancient, parasitic, mind-controlling creatures, speeds toward Earth like a hive of locusts. Enemies become allies and friendships are challenged as the Indestructibles try to pull out every trick in their arsenal to save the planet. Like a Comet is where the Indestructibles stop being students and start to become the heroes they were destined to be. But will they be strong enough?

Like a Comet - Matthew Phillion - The Indestructibles
Like a Comet (The Indestructibles Book 4)

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: Since the beginning, Doc Silence has warned the Indestructibles, his team of super-powered protégés, that magical threats would be the most dangerous. The team has faced down alien invasions, time traveled to post-apocalyptic futures, and more since they first banded together, but now, for the first time, they are confronted with not one but two sources of dark and dangerous magic. Together, Jane, Billy, Kate, Titus, and Entropy Emily will go up against an evil necromancer, warping his victims into weapons in a reckless pursuit of wealth; and an even stranger threat, a young girl with inherent mystical abilities who has become a pawn in an interdimensional power struggle. When an entire town disappears, the Indestructibles – a solar-powered girl, a boy with an alien in his mind, a ballerina vigilante, a werewolf with confidence issues, and a Whovian with a black hole where her heart should be – must band together with new allies to stop dark forces far beyond their comprehension. This is their greatest challenge and most personal mission yet. Has all their training been enough to prepare them?

The Crimson Child - Matthew Phillion
The Crimson Child (The Indestructibles Book 5)

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: Echo always knew the ocean was in her blood. It isn’t until the day tragedy struck, though, that her ordinary life in a New England seaside town is torn apart and she finds out just how much her fate is tied to the sea. Monsters, real monsters, crawl out of the ocean looking for her, and suddenly she’s swept up in a swashbuckling tale of magic, myth, war, and fear. Joined by her best friend Yuri, the smuggler and magician Barnabas Coy, and Artem, the last son of the Amazons and greatest swordsman on the Seven Seas, Echo will face were-sharks and leviathans, assassins and mermaids, and find out that her ultimate destiny lies at the bottom of the ocean, with the lost city of Atlantis, and the war that city is planning to start with the surface world. Which side will she choose? What does Atlantis mean to Echo’s past, and for her future? Will she take her place among the other myths and legends of the sea and become the hero she’s meant to be? She'll find a wonder and horror, face tragedy and transformation, and become something she never imagined in her old life: a hero. Set in the same universe as the Indestructibles series, Echo and the Sea introduces another side to that world, one where magic and myth meets swashbuckling adventure. Journey to Atlantis with Echo and her crew and find out what wonders lies just beyond the horizon, and what nightmares lurk just below the sea's surface.

Echo and the Sea - Matthew Phillion
Echo and the Sea

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: Echo, the unwilling heir to Atlantis, never intended to be a hero. After she and her friends—the magician Barnabas Coy, Artem, son of the Amazons, and the unwitting were-shark, Yuri—were forced to stop a war between Atlantis and the surface world not long ago, Echo thought her adventuring days were over. She headed out with her companions on the ghost ship the Endless, unsure where the sea would take them. But the war they stopped had consequences. The explosive final battle woke something dark and sinister buried for centuries in Poseidon’s Scar, a near-bottomless trench near the borders of Atlantis. That evil force has begun to make its way across the ocean floor, headed toward the coast and leaving a trail of carnage in its wake. To stop this ancient evil, Echo and her crew will have to race across the seven seas, teaming up with Amazons and Atlanteans, sea spirits and river gods, to retrieve the mystic artifacts they need to send this monstrous force back to its watery resting place. Along the way, they’ll reunite with missing friends, discover new allies, and face challenges they’ve never seen before, from mysterious necromancers to Lovecraftian cults. Will this ragtag bunch of warriors, magicians, smugglers, and were-sharks be enough to save the world again? Or will the darkness rising from Poseidon’s Scar being a new age of terror?

Poseidon's Scar - Matthew Phillion
Poseidon's Scar

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: For six lifelong friends, it was supposed to just be a simple game night. But when they break out a new, classic high-fantasy style game—half tabletop RPG, half dungeon-crawling board game, simultaneously familiar and unexplored—for a test run, they find themselves transported into the game’s setting, living the lives of their made-up characters, where the dangers, and the monsters, are deadly serious. Left with little choice but to jump headlong into their roles, Cordelia, Morgan, Jack, Eriko, Tamsin, and Tobias will have to become the heroes they were just pretending to be to stop a nightmare creature’s reign of terror… or find out if life and death in this fictional setting is as real as it seems. Ranger and cleric, barbarian and thief, bard and magician: they'll have to combine all of their new-found abilities to stop a creeping evil and to survive in this strange new world.

The Player's Guide to Dungeon Crawling - Matthew Phillion - The Dungeon Crawlers
The Player's Guide to Dungeon Crawling

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: After a few weeks trapped inside a cursed tabletop role-playing game, the players--Eriko the rogue, Morgan the cleric, Tamsin the mage, Cordelia the barbarian, Jack the ranger, and Tobias the bard--have become fixtures in the fictional town of Moderate Expectations, doing things adventures do. Whether it's slaying ogres or saving children from actual bogeymen, the adventurers are learning their roles and becoming weirdly comfortable with the concept of being heroes locked in a game world. But when a terrifying threat bubbles up out of a broken mine shaft and threatens their starting zone and adopted home, the gang will need to go on a real dungeon crawl into the subterranean world below, where they'll learn just how dangerous this imaginary world is to them and how high the stakes can be for the people who live here. It's time for the Dungeon Crawlers to level up, face down their greatest challenge yet, and find out just how big the world they've found themselves trapped in really is... and how long it's been holding players like them prisoners. So grab your gear, check your spell list, and make sure you've got plenty of torches--it's time to go spelunking, RPG-style.

The Dungeoneer's Bestiary - Matthew Phillion - The Dungeon Crawlers
The Dungeoneer's Bestiary

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: The first rule of adventuring: don't split the party. The Dungeon Crawlers should know better. While they've only been trapped in the cursed role playing game they now call home for a short time, most of the party are well-versed in tabletop gaming. Whether in the real world or trapped in a fantasy one, you just don't split the party. Which is why, when Eriko, the group's rogue, decides to let curiosity get the better of her and run off on her own, everyone knows nothing good will come of it. And "no good will come of it" means a pack of feral cannibalistic undead, led by an ancient evil, who takes a special interest in the group's talented, if ridiculous, bard, Tobias. Joined by a shadowy creature whose goals coincide with their own, the rest of the group--Morgan the cleric, Jack the ranger, Cordelia the barbarian, and Tamsin the mage--find that to survive, and rescue their friends, they're going to have to split the party even further. Are they clever enough to get away from a pack of ravenous ghouls alive, or will this be the Total Party Kill they've dreaded since they first arrived in this game world? The Ghoul Slayer's Guide is the third novella in the The Dungeon Crawlers series. Find their earlier adventures in the Players Guide to Dungeon Crawling and the Dungeoneer's Bestiary.

The Ghoul Slayers - Matthew Phillion - The Dungeon Crawlers
The Ghoul Slayer's Guidebook

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: The Dungeon Crawlers have done the unthinkable: they’ve split the party. After defeating another adventuring party from the “real” world—fellow players long trapped in the game world who treat Revery as their own private hunting ground to be conquered and abused—the Dungeon Crawlers emerged victorious but broken, with one of their number fallen and lost in battle. Some want to seek out revenge for their lost friend, while others believe somewhere in Revery there is magic to bring someone back from the dead, and want to find it. Both quests for revenge and resurrection will reveal new enemies, new allies, and dark secrets about the nature of Revery itself. They will learn how it draws players into a world where an RPG has become real, and whether or not anyone can ever go home again. But to do so, they need to break the party in two. Can they survive apart, or will the oldest rule in RPGs prove to be true in a world where games are deadly real?

Splitting the Party - Matthew Phillion - The Dungeon Crawlers
Splitting the Party

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: Eighteen award-winning, veteran, and emerging authors bring you seventeen unique dragon tales that defy tradition. Winged serpents as large as continents, as well as those tiny enough to perch on the fingertip of a young girl. Dragons who inhabit the Wild West, Victorian London, Brooklyn, and a post-apocalyptic Earth. Scaly beasts who fight in the boxing ring, celebrate Christmas, and conquer the vast void of outer space. There are rockstars who meddle with dragon magic, clever and conniving shapeshifters, and powerfully exotic hybrids. Science fiction, urban fantasy, mystery, western, epic fantasy, YA matter the setting or the genre—here be dragons! Join Asimov's Readers Award winner Timons Esaias, science fiction author Heidi Ruby Miller, post-apocalyptic author J. Thorn, along with K.W. Taylor, Sean Gibson and more as they put their personal twist on the usual dragon tale. Also, check out the authors' behind-the-scenes articles for a peek into the creative processes that led to the creation of these "Dragons of a Different Tail".

Dragons of a Different Tail- Marx Pyle
Dragons of a Different Tail

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: Sierra Court Blues transports the reader on a mind-bending adventure as its main character, Bo Kineally, a young husband and father, burns the candle at both ends to make his rock-n-roll dreams come true. Can he strike a balance between his dreams and responsibilities? Sierra Court Blues leaves nothing to the imagination with gripping characters, dysfunctional band members and heart wrenching drama. It is a roller coaster of desire, lust and betrayal as Bo is torn between these two worlds.

Sierra Court Rules - Lawrence Parlier
Sierra Court Blues

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: Kerry Vance is a legend, a leather lunged, Grammy nominated, heavy metal madman. When he dies under mysterious circumstances at the beginning of his latest tour, his fans are crushed. To the outside world it looks like just another rock-n-roll tragedy, another talented musician done in by excess. But there is much more at play than his family and friends realize. As his friends try to come to terms with their loss a mysterious woman from Kerry's past comes to them and tells them that Kerry's death was no accident. And, if things are to be set right, they'll have to be willing to put everything on the line.

The Frontman - Lawrence Parlier
The Frontman

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: Cuddle up with us this Valentine's Day! Wyngraf is proud to present our first special edition! Fill your heart with these cozy fantasy romances—or just get your fix of magic and adventure until our next issue arrives. The 2023 Romance Special contains two stories from rising stars in fantasy romance.

Wyngraf anthology

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: Vixen would sell her soul to get into the Bleach Babes and, if she isn’t careful, she might just get what she wants. One of the most exclusive influencer co-ops in LA, the Bleach Babes live and work together in one big house where they have it all: popularity, talent, and beauty. Their leader? Supermodel Margo, a woman as sinister as she is sexy. After Margo agrees to take Vix under her wing—and into her bed—Vixen moves in and begins hustling. Success comes hard and fast, but the glitz and glamor comes with a price that may cost her her sanity… and her life.

Mewing - Chloe Spencer

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: Lou, a queer woman, returns to her hometown to stop her grandmother from marrying Lou’s childhood best friend. She hasn’t visited in several years, and she and her best friend have yet to make peace with the death of his sister. When Lou discovers her grandmother’s obsession with taxidermy, she attempts to leave, but her grandmother has a sinister plan in store for Lou. She won’t be going anywhere anytime soon.

An Affinity for Formaldehyde - Chloe Spencer
An Affinity for Formaldehyde