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Writer Fuel: Bodies Buried in Italian Grave May Have Been Feared to Be Revenants

Revenant child - Live Science

Archaeologists in Italy are uncovering a 1,600-year-old burial ground containing the remains of infants, children and sacrificed puppies. Some of the burials have unusual features — such as a child buried with a block in their mouth, which suggests that people were afraid that they could become “revenants” — corpses revived after death, archaeologists said. … Read more

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WRITER FUEL: King Arthur, Discovered?

King Arthur - Deposit Photos

The graves of dozens of what may have been early British kings, queens, princes and princesses from the era of the mythical King Arthur have been revealed by a new study. It suggests that British royal graves dating from between the fifth and the seventh centuries A.D. have been overlooked until now, possibly because they … Read more