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Writer Fuel: What Did the Egyptian Pyramids Look Like Originally?

Egyptian Pyramid - Budget Direct

The Egyptian pyramids erupting from the sands at Giza are a testament to human ingenuity and engineering. Raised to mark the tombs of ancient pharaohs, these great structures have stood for thousands of years. But over the millennia, the pyramids have changed, largely due to construction workers’ repurposing of in-demand materials and looting. So what … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Archaeologists Find Hundreds of Mummies

Mummies - Deposit Photos

Archaeologists have unearthed the pyramid of a never-before known ancient Egyptian queen; a cache of coffins, mummies and artifacts; and a series of interconnected tunnels. For the past two years, archaeologists have been working at Saqqara, an archaeological site in Giza, about 20 miles (32 kilometers) south of Cairo. Recently, they discovered a trove of … Read more

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Writer Fuel: All About King Tut

King Tut - Deposit Photos

Tutankhamun, or King Tut as he is often called today, was an ancient Egyptian pharaoh who was buried in a lavish tomb filled with gold artifacts in the Valley of the Kings near modern-day Luxor. His tomb was discovered in 1922 by an archaeological team led by British Egyptologist Howard Carter. Today he is also … Read more

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Writer Fuel: All About the Egyptian Book of the Dead

Book of the Dead - Deposit Photos

The “Book of the Dead” is a modern-day name given to a series of ancient Egyptian texts that the Egyptians believed would help the dead navigate the underworld, as well as serving other purposes. Copies of these texts were sometimes buried with the dead. The “‘Book of the Dead’ denotes the relatively large corpus of … Read more

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WRITER FUEL: King Tut’s “Dagger From Outer Space”

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A gold-hilted dagger found in the tomb of King Tut surprised archaeologists when they discovered that it was made of a material forged in outer space. Now, two new studies are painting conflicting pictures of the origins of the mysterious weapon, which may have been wielded by arguably the most famous ancient Egyptian pharaoh. One … Read more