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Toni Sweeney

Toni V. Sweeney has lived 30 years in the South, a score in the Middle West, and a decade on the Pacific Coast and now she’s trying for her second 30 on the Great Plains.

Since the publication of her first novel in 1989, Toni divides her time between writing SF/Fantasy/Horror under her own name and the pseudonyms Icy Snow Blackstone and Tony-Paul de Vissage. She is also on the review staff of the New York Journal of Books, was an amazon reviewer, and is in the 1% of reviewers for Goodreads. In 2016, she was named a Professional Reader by

Currently, Toni has written 94 novels with 84 of them have been published. This includes several series.

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Books By Toni Sweeney

Word Count: 84980

Summary: The Southern town of Estonko has hidden a secret for a century but now it's been discovered and is leading to a haunted house and a crimm worse than the secret hiding it.

Evil Lives After - Toni V. Sweeney
Evil Lives After

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: When it's discovered a prep school teacher was once a romance novel cover model, his life is turned upside-down.

Mr. Morrissey's Secret - Toni V. Sweeney
Mr. Morrissey's Secret

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: A retelling of Beauty and the Beast set against the story of Moses and the Golden Calf.

Mask of the Beast - Tony V. Sweeney
Mask of the Beast

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: Information not available

Love is Silent - Toni V. Sweeney
Love is Silent