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Writer Fuel: Chinese T-Flight Maglev Hyperloop Train Reaches Almost 400 MPH

hyperloop train - deposit photos

China says its maglev hyperloop train has broken the world speed record in a test run, reaching a blistering 387 mph (623 km/h). Ultimately, its makers want to build a train more than three times as fast that will break the sound barrier and outpace airplanes. The maglev train, dubbed the T-Flight, was built by … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Did Ancient Princesses Build a Vast Empire That Prompted China to Build the Great Wall?

An artist reconstruction of life among the Xiongnu imperial elite, who received rich burials in their multiethnic empire on the Mongolian steppe. (Image credit: DAIRYCULTURES Project)

Elite women, perhaps princesses, played a crucial role in holding the Xiongnu, one of the first nomadic empires of the eastern Eurasian Steppe, together, a new study suggests. The Xiongnu, who may have been among the ancient ancestors of the Mongols, formed a confederation of nomadic peoples who controlled much of Central Asia, from present-day … Read more

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Writer Fuel: China Discovers Potential Fuel on the Moon

Earth from Moon's surface - deposit photos

Researchers in China have discovered a new type of crystal nestled among the volcanic debris of the near side of the moon, as well as a potential fuel source that could help revolutionize the production of clean and efficient energy on Earth. The small, transparent crystal — named Changesite-(Y), after the Chinese moon goddess Chang’e … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Giant Sinkhole Has A Forest Inside of It

China sinkhole

A team of Chinese scientists has discovered a giant new sinkhole with a forest at its bottom.  The sinkhole is 630 feet (192 meters) deep, according to the Xinhua news agency, deep enough to just swallow St. Louis’ Gateway Arch. A team of speleologists and spelunkers rappelled into the sinkhole on Friday (May 6), discovering that … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Did China Just Hear From Aliens?

Radio Telescope - Deposit Photos

China is claiming that its enormous “Sky Eye” telescope may have picked up trace signals from a distant alien civilization, according to a recently posted and subsequently deleted report by Chinese scientists. Astronomers at Beijing Normal University have discovered “several cases of possible technological traces and extraterrestrial civilizations from outside the Earth,” according to a … Read more

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WRITER FUEL: “That’s No Moon…” Chinese Scientists Build Artificial Moon

death star

Welcome to the latest installment of “Writer Fuel – cool real-world stories that might inspire your little writer heart. Check out our Writer Fuel page on the LimFic blog for more inspiration. Today: Chinese scientists have built an “artificial moon” research facility that will enable them to simulate low-gravity environments using magnetism. The facility, slated … Read more

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WRITER FUEL: Is This How the Real Space Age Begins?

Giant Spaceship - Deposit Photos

China is investigating how to build ultra-large spacecraft that are up to 0.6 mile (1 kilometer) long. But how feasible is the idea, and what would be the use of such a massive spacecraft? The project is part of a wider call for research proposals from the National Natural Science Foundation of China, a funding … Read more