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Writer Fuel: Was Mars Once Much More Like Earth?

Mars terraformed - deposit photos

A collection of rocks scattered on an ancient shoreline on Mars might indicate that the Red Planet was once far more Earth-like than scientists previously thought. The rocks, discovered by NASA’s Curiosity rover, are unusually rich in manganese oxide — a chemical that adds to growing evidence that the once-habitable Mars may have sported Earth-like … Read more

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Review: Storm on Mars – Kate Rauner

Storm on Mars - Kate Rauner

Genre: Sci-Fi, Colonization Reviewer: Scott Get It On Amazon About The Book Something weird happens? Zeker swears it’s not his fault. An AI may be a psychopath’s only friend. Zeker sets out to make a difference in the expanding colony. Gaining a place in the elite Tower Guild proves others recognize his talents, and the … Read more

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Review: Water on Mars – Kate Rauner

Water on Mars - Kate Rauner

Genre: Sci-Fi, Colonization Reviewer: Scott Get It On Amazon | Series Box Set About The Book A girl from an outlying fish farm. A dangerous job on the unforgiving Martian surface. Dreams of fun turn to dread.When Bliss lands a job inside a lava tube, she leaves her boring life back home for the colony’s … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Giant Volcano Discovered Hiding In Plain Sight on Mars

Giant Volcano - Mars

Scientists have discovered a giant volcano on Mars that has been “hidden in plain sight” for more than 50 years. The volcano is around 280 miles (450 kilometers) wide and more than 29,600 feet (9,000 meters) high. It is located in the eastern part of Mars’ Tharsis volcanic province near the planet’s equator, scientists revealed … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Mars May Affect Our Climate – Every 2.4 Million Years

Mars - Deposit Photos

Mars’ gravitational pull on Earth may be influencing the climate on our planet, new research hints. Geological evidence tracing back more than 65 million years and taken from hundreds of sites across the world suggests that deep-sea currents have repeatedly gone through periods of being either stronger or weaker. This happens every 2.4 million years … Read more

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Review: Hermit on Mars – Kate Rauner

Hermit on Mars - Kate Rauner

Genre: Sci-Fi, Colonization, Mars Reviewer: Scott Get It On Amazon About The Book The colony thrives, but a discouraged settler craves change. His mother’s call from her threatened habitat sends him racing to save her. Sig’s robots contribute to the colony’s success, but his own life is falling apart. When his mother, living in a … Read more

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Writer Fuel: How Can We Help Mars-Bound Astronauts Deal With Stress?

Mars colony - deposit photos

Within the next few decades, NASA aims to land humans on the Moon, set up a lunar colony and use the lessons learned to send people to Mars as part of its Artemis program. While researchers know that space travel can stress space crew members both physically and mentally and test their ability to work … Read more

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Review: Born on Mars – Kate Rauner

Born on Mars - Kate Rauner

Genre: Sci-Fi, Colonization, Mars Reviewer: Scott Get It On Amazon About The Book A slowly failing colony abandoned by Earth. New arrivals half a planet away. An unreliable young man desperate to save his friends and family.Jake didn’t ask to be born on Mars. He drifts among tasks in his tiny settlement, never finding the … Read more

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Review: Glory on Mars – Kate Rauner

Glory on Mars - Kate Rauner

Genre: Sci-Fi, Colonization Reviewer: Scott Get It On Amazon About The Book A fragile foothold on a vast frozen plain. A crashed spaceship’s pilot may have been murdered. Will the first settlers on Mars be the last? Determined to explore with her robots, Emma Winters leaves Earth forever and makes the one-way journey. She trained … Read more

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Writer Fuel: What Does a Solar Eclipse Look Like on Mars?

Martian solar eclipse - NASA

Fear passed in front of the sun last week, and a NASA rover saw it fly. The Mars moon Phobos, whose name means “Fear” in ancient Greek, was caught on camera by the NASA Perseverance rover on Feb. 8. The potato-shaped moon was visible in front of the sun from Percy’s current perch in Jezero … Read more