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Writer Fuel: Passing Stars May Have Altered Earth’s Orbit – And Climate – Many Times

Earth and two suns - deposit photos

Earth’s present-day climate change is human-induced, but the gravitational tugs of other planets can also cause long-term climatic patterns by slightly changing our planet’s orbit. Now, research suggests that massive passing stars can alter Earth’s path, too — and that these cosmic tugs may limit researchers’ ability to study the links between past changes in … Read more

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Writer Fuel: What Is Space Junk?

Space junk around Earth - Deposit Photos

There’s a floating garbage dump orbiting Earth, and it’s getting fuller every year. Space debris — known colloquially as space junk — is the name that scientists give to the thousands of pieces of broken satellites and spacecraft that clog Earth’s orbit. Space junk can be as small as a paint fleck or as large … Read more

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WRITER FUEL: Canada Cracks Down on Lunar Crime

Moon - Deposit Photos

Space may be the final frontier, but the good people of Canada aim to tame that frontier with law and order. Last week, the Canadian Parliament proposed a measure that will, essentially, make it illegal for Canadian astronauts to commit crimes on the moon, or while in orbit. The measure, which was tucked partway through … Read more

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WRITER FUEL: The Fastest Ride in the Solar System

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We’re launching a brand new feature on Liminal Fiction – “Writer Fuel – cool real-world stories that might inspire your little writer heart. Today: A newfound asteroid zips around the sun faster than any of its known kin. The space rock, known as 2021 PH27, completes one lap around our star every 113 Earth days, … Read more