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Tales From Ardulum

by J.S. Fields

Tales From Ardulum - J. S. Fields - Ardulum
Editions:Paperback: $ 16.95
ISBN: 978-1960247025
Size: 6.00 x 9.00 in
Pages: 220
Kindle: $ 4.99
ISBN: 978-1960247025
Pages: 227

Before Ardulum, there was the Mercy’s Pledge.

One year after saving the Neek homeworld and redefining the people’s religion, the crew of the Scarlet Lucidity returns to the Charted Systems for a much-needed break. For Nicholas and Yorden, the Systems will always be home, but for Emn and Atalant, too many memories compound with Emn’s strange new illness to provide much relaxation.

Tales from Ardulum continues the journey of Atalant, Emn, Yorden, Nicholas, and Salice as they try to define their place in a galaxy that no longer needs them while battling the artifacts of Ardulan colonization. Other stories include Yorden’s acquisition of the Mercy’s Pledge (and his grudge against the galaxy), Atalant’s exile from her homeworld, Ekimet and Savath’s romance, and many others.

Publisher: Space Wizard Science Fantasy
Cover Artists:
Tropes: Aliens as God, Band of Misfits, Cross-Species Friendships, Fated Mates, FTL, Galactic Civilization, Space Battles, Space is Full, Space Pilot, Space Pirates, Space Smugglers, Undiscovered Planet
Tropes: Aliens as God, Band of Misfits, Cross-Species Friendships, Fated Mates, FTL, Galactic Civilization, Space Battles, Space is Full, Space Pilot, Space Pirates, Space Smugglers, Undiscovered Planet

About the Author

J.S. Fields (@Galactoglucoman) is a scientist who has perhaps spent too much time around organic solvents. They enjoy roller derby, woodturning, making chainmail by hand, and cultivating fungi in the backs of minivans.
Fields has lived in Thailand, Ireland, Canada, USA, and spent extensive time in many more places. Their current research takes them to the Peruvian Amazon rainforest each summer, where they traumatize students with machetes and tangarana ants while looking for rare pigmenting fungi. You can find their books at and support their writing (as well as get exclusive short stories, Ardulum snippets, and sneak peaks at new works) at their Patreon. Nonbinary, and yes, it matters.