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Writer Fuel: Geologically Speaking, Mars Isn’t As Dead As We Thought

Olympus Mons, Mars - Deposit Photos

For decades, astronomers assumed that Mars was geodynamically dead — a planet without rumbling earthquakes and erupting volcanoes. Though remnants of towering volcanoes exist on the surface of the Red Planet today, these colossal structures have been dormant for millions of years. With little to no heat firing the planet’s engine, scientists reasoned, Mars became … Read more

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WRITER FUEL: Marsquakes!

Mars - Pixabay

NASA’s marsquake-hunting lander has detected its two largest seismic events to date — and on the far side of the planet, no less. NASA’s InSight lander touched down on Mars in November 2018 carrying the most sensitive seismometer ever designed. Since the mission’s arrival, it has detected countless events dubbed marsquakes, using the signals to … Read more