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Writer Fuel: Could Microplastics Be Helping Cancer Spread?

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Microplastics may hang around in the body longer than scientists previously thought and may contribute to the spread of cancer when inside tumors, a lab-dish study suggests. The research has several limitations, however. For instance, the scientists used cancer cells grown in lab dishes, so it remains to be seen how the results apply to … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Why Do Space Headaches Happen?

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Spaceflight can be a real headache — literally. Since the days of the Apollo program, astronauts have reported experiencing head pain during their stint in microgravity. And many of them had never dealt with recurrent headaches on Earth. It seems that something about space travel sometimes triggers migraine or tension headache–like symptoms, including pain, sensitivity … Read more

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Writer Fuel: New Throat Patch Could Help the Speechless Speak

A new device can detect movements of the neck muscles and transform them into speech. (Image credit: Prof. Jun Chen Lab at UCLA)

A new, flexible device that clings to the neck can translate muscular movements into speech, enabling people to talk without using their vocal cords. The small patch not only detects the movements of the throat associated with speech, but also harnesses that movement to generate electricity, meaning the device can be operated without a battery … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Scientists Use “Ice Printing” to Create Scaffold for Constructing Blood Vessels

A 3D-printed ice template (left) was used a scaffolding to later grow cells (right) in a blood vessel-like structure. (Image credit: Image courtesy of Feimo Yang.)

Scientists are working to build blood vessels from human cells using tiny ice sculptures — these frigid 3D forms twist and branch like real arteries and can be used as temporary scaffolds that later get melted away, to be replaced by living cells. The researchers demonstrated the first step of this blood-vessel-building process in a … Read more

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Writer Fuel: New Prosthetics Allow Amputees to Feel Temperatures, Human Touch

man with prosthetic hand holds a woman's hand - deposit photos

For the first time, scientists enabled an amputee to feel temperature via his prosthetic hand, crossing what the researchers say is one of the final hurdles in being able to imbue prosthetics with the full spectrum of senses available in a human limb. The team achieved this feat by implanting a small device in the … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Testing an mRNA Cancer Vaccine

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An 81-year-old man from Surrey became the first patient in the U.K. to receive a new “vaccine” designed to treat solid-tumor cancers, such as the skin cancer melanoma. Therapeutic cancer vaccines act as a kind of immunotherapy, meaning they help train the immune system to fight cancer cells. They’re different from vaccines that prevent cancer, … Read more

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Writer Fuel: NASA to Test Robotic Surgeon Aboard International Space Station

NASA robotic surgeon

Very soon, a robot surgeon may begin its practice in orbit — and though it won’t quite be a metallic, humanoid machine wearing a white coat and holding a scalpel, its mission is fascinating nonetheless. On Tuesday (Jan. 30), scientists sent a slew of innovative experiments to the International Space Station (ISS) via Northrop Grumman’s … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Gene Therapy Used to Restore Hearing in Rare Form of Deafness

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Several children born with a rare, inherited form of deafness can now hear thanks to two new gene therapies, clinical trial results show. Both therapies target the gene for otoferlin, a protein in the inner ear that lets nerve cells translate vibrations from sound into electrical signals that can be interpreted by the brain. Mutations … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Algorithm Reveals 188 New Types of CRISPR

scientist removes a snippet of DNA from a double helix - deposit photos - CRISPR

Scientists have unearthed 188 previously unknown types of CRISPR systems buried in the genomes of simple microorganisms. Best known as a powerful gene-editing tool, CRISPR actually comes from an inbuilt defense system found in bacteria and simple microbes called archaea. CRISPR systems include pairs of “molecular scissors” called Cas enzymes, which allow microbes to cut … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Reanimated Hearts Could Save More Transplant Patients

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A method for “reanimating” organ donors’ hearts works just as well as the standard approach to collecting hearts for transplantation, new trial data shows. If widely applied, the method could increase the heart donor pool by an estimated 30%. “Honestly if we could snap our fingers and just get people to use this, I think … Read more